Curiosity killed the cat

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Your friends and family would always tell you to never go into the forest under no circumstances. and it didn't help that you were a VERY curious kid, they would have to literally drag you away from those large dark eerie trees to keep you from harm.

sometimes you would sneak away and stand at the edge of the treeline, just watching with curiosity and childlike wonder of what lurks inside. but, you would, of course, get caught and lead away before you could find out what was in that forest.

the elders of the village you live in would warn children about a monster that terrorizes the forest in the pitch black of night killing whatever wandered far enough inside. but it only happens at night preferably on full moons is when it strikes most, even going as far as wandering out of the forest to scratch at people's doors and walls leaving long claw marks across them.

they say the monster is most powerful when the full moon is highest in the sky. and that you could hear the clinking sounds of chains and the laughter of the monster as it ravaged the village for someone who has the worst luck of them all to wander outside.

many rumors were around the village that the monster was actually a man that has been cursed by a witch. others say it was once a prince that now wanders the night sky in search of something. power? love? no one knows.

you often wondered if the stories could be true. no one ever went outside at nightfall, you would hear the haunting laughter when the moon was at its fullest and, if you were up late enough, you could hear claws slowly scratching against the wood of your house.

sometimes there would be tapping on the windows as well, something that everyone would say not to do when that occurs is do NOT open the window. don’t peak outside. don’t make a sound. stay still and pray that it will leave.

but, other than that, you didn't know much of this monster. maybe one day you'll sneak away and go into the forest... or maybe you'll meet your death sooner then you think.


"mom, can I go outside? I promise I'll come back before nighttime!" you plead to your mother, who looked outside with a worried look before sighing and nods but not before sternly telling you "don’t go anywhere near those trees okay?" you nod happily before running out the door while yelling "I love you!" before closing the door behind you.

and your off! you took off waving to your neighborhood friends who ran over to you "hey (y/n)!" one of your friends greet you as they ran over. one of your two friends ash seemed to notice your excitement. "what happened to you? did you get to have that puppy you keep asking for?" he asks playfully.

you shook your head "nope! even better! bet you can’t guess." you challenge. your other friend, blue said, "well besides the puppy, I'd say they are going to make another book about ghosts."

you sigh loudly "I wish, but no." ash groans "okay I give up what is it?" you giggle and leaned towards the two and whispered "I’m going to go to the forest today." the two gasp but you quickly "SHH" ed them.

"quiet! I've been planning this for weeks! please don’t tell." you plead ash and blue look at each other nervously. they were pretty scared of the monster so for their friend to go to the forest obviously worries them. after a few moments of hesitation ash finally answered "yeah.. okay. but if your not back soon we're gonna tell!"

you nod determined "I promise I won’t be long I’m just going to take a look around then come back before nighttime! no one will ever notice!" you notice that the two still seemed hesitant. you smiled "hey, I'll be okay."

they nod, blue smiled "I trust you just be back soon okay?" you grin and hug your two besties. you waved them bye then walked towards the forbidden forest.

you reached the treeline, beyond the trees everyone feared to venture into, yet here you were, about to step into the unknown.

you breathe in, then out. then you stepped into the darkness of the trees, ready


after what seemed like an hour or two of walking you've come to the conclusion that everything here is amazing out here. the forest was so pretty in the dark glow, the trees were a slight blueish purple color which was not very normal but that didn't stop you from exploring the plants.

but as time went on you noticed the sun starting to lower which caused you to turn back but... nothing was obviously familiar and you stupidly didn't walk in a straight line.

you look around for any landmarks but your 98% sure you’re lost. you start walking in what you hope is the detection of home.

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