She asks me, to which I just hummed in embarrassment to. With my free hand, I twiddled with my skirt, still embarrassed that I forgot to mention this important deal I made without consulting her.

Me: {We-well....I kinda ma-made a deal with-...without your permission.}

Then, instead of hearing something that says that she was disappointed at me, I just heard her snicker.

Natalie: {Well, well. For you to not consult with me about something? It's surprising, really. However, knowing you, this must be a great one. So, what is it?}

I let out a sigh, happy that she didn't seem disappointed at me, and I was also grateful that she knew me that well.

Me: { you know Anoma1y? As in A-n-o-m-a-one-y Anoma1y?}

Natalie: {The novelist from WATTPAD and some other places I couldn't remember?}

Me: {Yes.}

Natalie: {Of course I do. What, you made a deal with him?}

Hearing what she said, I playfully rolled my eyes, even though she couldn't see it. Containing a giggle for her ignorance, I answered,

Me: {Natalie. Anoma1y's a she. And we've been online friends for a long time now. Sorry for not telling you.}

Natalie: {Oooh~! You've been keeping secrets from me, baby girl. That's not nice.}

Also, I forgot to mention that Natalie sometimes reminds me of onee-chan, because of the way she teases me with the "baby girl" thing.

Fighting away a blush, I shook my head as I heard her giggle, knowing that she somehow knew I became flustered from that.

Me: {God you act like my sister sometimes. But! Back to the topic. Anoma1y and I talked about making a manga, with her making the plot, story, and dialog, while I, will obviously be the one to draw.}

This got Natalie thinking a bit, but, after calculating everything im her mind, I think, she answered me.

Natalie: {Hmm~. With the fame the both of you have, and from your progress now, I'm sure that whatever you make will be a huge success. I'm in! Haha! And, from what you said earlier, you two will be meeting at the Heroes of Stories venue today?}

Knowing that she was fine with it, I sighed in relief, before donning a happy smile.

Me: {Yep.}

Natalie: {Then, where are you now?}

Confused as to why, I asked,

Me: {Why?}

Then, from here, I could tell that she was raising an eyebrow.

Natalie: {Really? Alissa, you do realize that you just turned 12 not that long ago, and your going to a place filled with adults, and some being obviously perverts, and from what I know from you, alone. So, I'm picking you up and follow you.}

Honestly, I didn't think about that. I did turn 12 just a month ago, and I'm practically going into a wolves' den. I'm sure that some perverts would be there, and I am practically defenseless.

That 1 Chance Out of 14,000,605[Marvel Fic] [Discontinued] [Up For Adoption] Where stories live. Discover now