Chapter 4: Looking For Help

Start from the beginning

"So, there is this supernatural person, who wants to become unstoppable and rule with her army. The thing is, she is familliar to me. An ex girlfriend of mine that I never told you about."

"Michelle?" -Algenix asked.

"How do you know? We parted ways before I met her."

"You know... back then I wasn't totally on my father's side... I did feel guilty for betraying our friendship. So I kinda... watched you two when you had your good time... I'm sorry."

"It's fine, you're now on my side. Anyway, I still remember her words. She said she will be back stronger to take revenge. Now, she is chasing the only thing that will make her gain much power."

"The overpowered crystal of the four sides?"

"Yes. Sharah texted me a few minutes ago and said that it very likely still exists. We believe it's located somewhere in those four separated parts of the island. If that's the case, I must find them before her."

"You mean, we must find them." -Algenix corrected him.

Matturse sighed.

"So, what's your plan?"

"Michelle was bitten by the first werewolf that ever existed. Now, ever since the first has been killed, she is in charge of leading the werewolf army. I want to take advantage on that and find the werewolf's worst enemy." -Matturse explained.


"Exactly, but it's a really far path and you know how Fanga is, she hardly ever accepts a free help. However, she is our only hope for now, excluding the tournament competitors."

"Tournament competitors?" -Algenix said, raising an eyebrow.

"I have left that part behind, sorry about that. After the city's condition was stabilized, Greatsaw, Sharah and I received an invite to a tournament. In the beginning, everything was fine, until Michelle's warning panicked them all. Then, we all realised that this wasn't a real tournament, but a trap. The anouncer of the tournament was actually the one working for Michelle to lure us in."

"Wow, that's too much..."

"It is..." -Matturse told tim.

At the same time, Michelle and her werewolves sailed to Australia. Sinking the ancors of their wolf painted ships, they were about to jump on the ground.

"We arrived! I can't believe it took us so fast to get here!" -Yakshin said with excitement.

"Calm yourself, honey. We don't have to spend all the energy that fast. We aren't anyway in our greatest shape after this travel. We'll call it a day, sleep and tomorrow, the party begins! -Michelle replied.

They took a nap on the boats and slept like babies.

In the meantime, at the magic force island, Sharah was having her guarding shift, while the rest of the people were sleeping in their dorms. She was watching through the telescope, spying the sea.

At some point, she heard a noise in the woods that made her suddenly turn around.

"Stupid squirrels..." -she said while turning back to the telescope.

She looked for a little longer and then...

"Boo!" -Greatsaw jumped in front of the tepescope's spy hole, making Sharah jump.

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