A Shift In My Damn Priorities

Start from the beginning

"I haven't touched a drink since we got back from the snow." I said so proudly. "I told you I was serious." He rearranged me so he was holding me bridal style across his lap.

"I'm honestly very surprised. You've changed a lot in this past year. From accepting my proposal, starting to figure out our wedding, and now a child."

"Yup. Like my cousin says, you gotta do the deed to get the seed. So we should go upstairs." I said with a small chuckle before reaching up and giving him a quick kiss.

"Not tonight Tillz. I'm too sore from my workout earlier." He said as he tapped my leg, indicating for me to get up. I reluctantly got off his lap and waited for him to get up.

"Well do you need anything to make you feel better?" I asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist just before we began to make our way to the stairs.

"Nah, I'll be just fine."


King left bright and early in the morning to help out Lexis at his trap. I was lonely and went over to Nelle's house to get a better insight on kids. Who better than to go to Nelle?

"Hey Tilly Beans." Ty said as he gave me a hug. I didn't know he was going to be there but it was a nice surprise.

"Hi Ty." I said back as I returned the gesture. "It's good to see you again."

"I know huh? We should repeat Varomas one of these-"

"Tyreese! Knock it off!" Nelle yelled as she came down the stairs with LJ not too far behind dragging a stuffed bear.

"Damn Mom, fine. I was leaving anyways. Bye you guys." He said before the door closed behind him.

"I swear. That boy just fucks any female who gives him a second look, which is a lot of them." Nelle said with a shake of her head.

"I don't blame them for looking again. He's a handsome child, I give you and Lexis many props." A smile on my face that made her laugh.

"Thank you. The boys are a handful and a half." I followed her into the kitchen and took a seat at the table.

"How so?"

"Trey is just Trey. I can't even categorize him. DeShawn was the only one that didn't give me grey hair. Ty is mine but he likes to be a little shit and then there's LJ. He's a menace and I'm just gonna leave it at that." She said as she kept her eyes locked on LJ, who stood at the doorway to the kitchen still holding his bear.

"But he's so cute-"

"Don't believe it. Turn your back on him and he'll do something." She continued to say.

"Was it hard being pregnant so many times?" I asked. See I just want the big belly for balancing things on but if it hurts...

"Some days I felt sore, most days I just felt normal. Why?"

"I want a child but I'm nervous about it."

"Well be prepared for sleepless nights, stretch marks, diapers, and bottles but it's a rewarding feeling. I think it's cute how you're wanting a child." The cheerfulness in her voice was honestly really cute.

"I know it's what King has wanted since our early twenties." It makes me feel bad when I think back to how patient King has been... While I was out being me.

"No offense or anything but I just can't envision you with a child that wasn't Joel." Believe me, I've talked to Arlie so many times about giving me Joel. He always says no.

"That makes two of us. But I do love King and I wanna change for him. Did you have to change for Lexis?"

"No. I mean, if I did, I didn't notice it. The only adjustment I made was accepting his gang." LJ came into the kitchen and motioned for Nelle to pick him up.

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