Meet the siblings

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He collapsed down on his bed and curled into a tight ball hugging his knees tight to his chest. Tears now blurring his vision and staining his cheeks. At least ten minutes had passed when he heard delicate footsteps beyond his room. These were the very distinct feminine footsteps of his younger sister, Octavia. Their parents had always wanted a girl. However, before they got their beloved daughter they had Oliver and his twin brother Otto. Octavia was extremely short for her age, her pure white hair and big grey eyes reflecting almost ironically her often cold personality. She had always been exceptional at pretending to be the perfect daughter- so good that it is almost her default now- but him and Otto knew the person she truly is.

His parents had never really accepted him into the family, and he had never known as a child what he had done to deserve that. As he grew older, he began to think that his mom was right, and he really didn't belong. It's not hard to see that he is nowhere near meeting his family's high standards. His family is well respected and all his relatives (that he has met) have been successful in what they do. The fact that he had never excelled at anything academic in his life is what made them ashamed to call him their child.
His blurred vision began to clear, and he scanned the room. His eyes landed on the pebble sat on his nightstand that was reflecting his tear stained face back at him. Wiping a falling tear off his cheek, he picked up the rock in the palm of his hand and held it close to his heart. His head filled with memories and he realised that his mom had been right all along.
I don't belong in this family; I don't deserve to be one of them.
*Italics is thinking *
This chapter introduces Oliver's siblings and explains some of Oliver's background. I will try to post the next chapter tomorrow.

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