The First Plan

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After walking up and down the oval office, over and over again his thoughts weren't evil enough. His mind wasn't made for evil thoughts but then it hit him. Evil isn't what he wanted, Stupid is. The stupider he was the more likely he would be fired or even killed.

"A BRILLIANT PLAN" he screamed

"What sir?" said the trusty butler

"How long have you been standing there?" asked the president, confused as hell

"Enough to help you sir" said Alfred

"Excellent. What is your name?" said the president with an evil grin

"Alfred sir" said Alfred 

"Excellent. What can i do to be, you know, fired" said the president

"Do the stupidest thing a President can do" said Alfred

"What's that Alfred, TELL ME!" said the president exaltedly (new word)

" Make War, for no apparent reason" said Alfred

"Excellent" said the president

After days of planning the Dynamic Duo (*wink wink) planned their war and the plan to be fired. With Brainstorms, maps, diagrams, flow charts and other planning stuff they swiftly (in 12 days) chose the easiest target that would piss off the world.

They would set war and annex


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