48: Mind If I Stay?

Start from the beginning

And then, the last of the guys was Satou. The bunny in my arms twitched and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Koda was immediately at my side, gently petting the rabbit and smiling at me. Glancing down, the bunny was sniffing at my arms.

As we arrived in the last guy's room, it was revealed that he had been baking a cake. He offered pieces to everyone and I shifted my grip so that I'd be holding the bunny in one arm and my cake in the other. A part of me wanted to melt when I put the beautiful and amazing creation in my mouth.

The bunny has stood up on his hind legs, sniffing up towards the cake. I pulled off a very tiny piece and held it in front of his nose. He grabbed it with his tiny paws and rapidly ate it with tiny little bites. I left the room contently as then it was time to move on to... the girl's rooms. Fuck.

Back on the second floor, we all poked our heads into Jirou's room and damn did she have a shit ton of instruments. And she could play all of them? After a halfwitted comment from Kaminari and Aoyama, however, they were stabbed in the ear by Jirou's earphone jack and everyone was kicked out.

Hagakure's room was... really fucking pink. It was, um, actually kind of... kind of... um... cute. I was broken from my thoughts by Hagakure yelling at Mineta as he got too close to her drawers. I swear I'm gonna smack him!

Uraraka and Momo dragged me out of the room and over to the elevator. Now, we were on the 3rd floor. This was... this was my floor. Fuck.

Ashido's room was first. It was a cool design with all sorts of pink, purple and black. It was bold but cool. It wasn't really my style, but... I liked it. The girls' rooms were all nice. They had put a lot of effort into decorating them. A part of me felt embarrassed. My room barely had anything.

Uraraka's room wasn't as heavily styled as some of the other girls' rooms, but it was nice. She had a few things on the wall, and her desk and wardrobe. She had a table, and a fan — even a TV! Plus a few cute smaller things. I slipped out of the door and went next door to my room.

Todoroki, who'd been further back in the hall, glanced in my direction in confusion. Saying nothing, I opened the door to my room and stepped inside before closing it behind me. I sat on the floor right by the door, leaning against it so they wouldn't be able to enter. The bunny sat on my lap contently.

There was a push against my back as someone tried to open the door, and I heard voices from the other side. Ashido was laughing, telling me to let everyone in. Hagakure was soon joining in, and I could hear Kaminari teasing me.

"Leave her be," I recognized Todoroki's voice. "I think she was getting a bit overwhelmed. This is all new to her, remember?"

"Todoroki's right!" Midoriya piped up. "She can show us her room when she's ready."

"Are you sure you don't want to join in? It's up to you. If you want us to leave, then we will."

Knowing Uraraka's voice, I placed the bunny on the floor beside me and stood up. I cracked the door open a tiny bit. Reaching out, I grabbed Uraraka's wrist and dragged her inside before closing it again. She stared down at the rabbit on my floor, "Um... is that Koda's?"

I could feel my cheeks heating up as I scooped it into my arms, "Maybe."

"So, what's up?" she asked me.

"It's embarrassing. All I have is... is the stuff you guys got for me. I don't own anything else."

"So? This is just for fun. It doesn't matter what your room looks like in the end. Maybe someone will say something mean about it, but that's just their opinion. No matter what anyone else says, I think your room is awesome!"

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