Chapter 5

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Sorry you guys (again probably like 2 people) that you had to wait as long as you did.

I'm sorry.

I totally wasn't binge watching the Office and chillaxing in my room. Why would you ever think that?

Love y'all!


~Granny Relda's POV~

My eyes fluttered open. Ugh did I really fall asleep?

I looked around at everyone, Daphne and Red cuddled up next to each other, Henry and Veronica exhausted from the research, Mr. Canis's head was starting to bob up and down...Puck...

Wait a minute, where's Puck?

Henry sat up as well. "Where's Sabrina?" He groaned. "WHERE'S PUCK??"

I grimaced, and said, "I don't know, I thought you knew."

He sighed. "You know what? I think they're fine. They're probably just making out somewhere. They'll be fine."

I sputtered. "I'm sorry...what?"

"Never mind." 

~Daphne's POV~

I can't tell you how annoyed I was. I was sleeping. They woke me up. 

Never mess with a sleeping Daphne.

"Daphne, do you know where Sabrina and Puck are?" Dad asked.


"I don't understand it. Where on earth could they have gone?" Mom asked. I hadn't noticed that she had gotten up.

"Well...we have to find them, right?" I asked.

Red bit her lip. "But where do we start?"

Mom jumped in. "We could..." she trailed off.

"Or we could..." Dad sputtered.

"Umm..." Granny started. "Yeah I have no idea."

"Where the hell are they?" Dad asked.

"Henry!" Granny scolded.

"Shut up, Mom." Dad muttered.

Everyone continued to discuss, and the argument heated up, but I couldn't help but notice Granny's seemingly distraught and disappointed face.

~Puck's POV~

I know you're probably wondering where me and my girlfriend Sabrina are, but just hold your horses, and let me explain.

Sabrina had just agreed to be my girlfriend, when we heard thunderous stomping outside. We slowly peeked outside, and saw a massive green-skinned, ratty jet black hair, cold, evil eyed troll hovering above us.

"Damn it." I heard Sabrina mutter.

"Language, love." I responded.

She grinned, but not for long. The troll scooped us up into one of his enormous filthy hands.

"So this is what a Grimm really looks like," he snarled, squeezing us harder. He eventually stuffed us into a brown leather handbag the size of the roof of the house. He walked for long hours, as we tried to scream, and peek out of a tear in the bag, to no avail. Finally, he snatched us out of the bag, and placed us on a jumbo table in front of another troll, this one looking a lot older and paler, with sharp features that outlined his face. He glared at the troll that had kidnapped us.

"Ugh, Finneas. Can't you do anything right? You were supposed to capture the entire—never mind. One Grimm will do. Put them in Jacob's room."


"Can you just shut up and do it please?"

He huffed and snatched us off the table and towards a mysterious shiny black door, that was chained shut with magical locks. I could hear screams of agony erupting from inside, and  outside the door was a coat hook with...

"Is that...?" I asked.

"It can't be..." Sabrina replied.

We knew we shouldn't say it out loud, but I know we were both thinking the same thing.

That was Jake's coat.

The troll, (who I am now aware is named Finneas) bent down to unlock the door. When he did, he shoved us in.

~Henry's POV~

As we were yelling, no one else noticed loud thuds coming from outside.

"Guys?" I said, but it was too late. A  huge ugly nasty green hand smashed through the ceiling, causing bits of plaster to fly everywhere, snatching us in it's grasp. We were shoved in a pocket, or bag, or something.

What is happening? I thought.

Screams erupted from our little storage area which we were put into. I just stayed quiet.

Finally, I felt a jolt as a familar olive colored hand somehow snatched all of us. We were thrown across a cold marble floor, and when I looked up, it was hard to take in the scene around me. 

First of all, Puck and Sabrina holding hands (never a good sign), second of all, Jake on the ground with shackles holding him down, blood and grime smeared on his face, and a ogre passed out next to him.

Sabrina jerked her hand off of Puck's and sadly smiled at us.

"Hey guys, I have a lot to tell you. You should sit down."


Thank you for reading, and I apologise for the short chapter.

Hope writers block doesn't last for long!

Love y'all!


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