"Good morning, your Highness." Her trusted guards both said in unison. She smiled softly at them.

"Good morning." They open the door for her. "Will you send for my ladies?" They nod and assure her that they'll do so. Her room is quiet and her bed is made perfectly, the way it's made everyday. She finds herself standing there, in the middle of the room. Her mind is elsewhere and her eyes are focusing on nothing in particular. She's just...there. Feeling drained and exhausted for God knows how long. When the four young women step inside her chambers, they all look at her like she's...different. In a good way. She was officially married to the Prince of England. She was part of the English throne, and one day, she'd be their great Queen. But for now, she only wanted to wash herself clean from her traumatic evening. "Please draw me a hot bath." Without anything more than humble obedience, they begin to do so and Marie sits on the edge of her bed. The dull ache between her legs has begun to slowly dissipate and a little while later, they are assisting her into the big silver tub. "I want be alone. I'll call for you if I need you." She says, her voice lacking any and all emotion. The four girls bow timidly and leave her chambers. Marie sinks into the hot water, she's fully immersed for a few moments as she lets it all wash away. When she comes up for air, there's a knock on her door. The guards don't come in, but they call to her. "What is it?" She asks them, feeling agitated by the intrusion.

"My apologies, your Grace, but Queen Louisa is here to see you." At this point, now that the entire crowd of royals and nobles have seen her in her most vulnerably nude moment, she's sure it doesn't matter to the Queen.

" At this point, now that the entire crowd of royals and nobles have seen her in her most vulnerably nude moment, she's sure it doesn't matter to the Queen

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"Alright." Her voice is meek, but heard because moments later, the beautiful woman is striding in towards her. "Forgive my state, your Majesty...I just..."

"Darling, I understand." Marie appreciates how soft and kind her tone is. Louisa sits in the quilted chair beside the tub and smiles down at the young woman. Her daughter-in-law. "Are you alright?" Marie nods quickly, but she's too smart to see through the facade. "The official consummation was...my most terrible day. I hardly knew King Frederick, and he was...a very stoic man. He grew to be a kind and loving husband, but I assure you...I thought I was going to have a miserable life, simply based off that one night. We spoke only a few words to one another before our wedding day." Marie watches the Queen carefully as she reaches for her hand. "Marie...I've raised both of my boys to be good, compassionate and gentle men. I pride their kindness and their ability to love. I see the way they look at you." Marie begins to panic. "The way Leopold sees you is truly something I have never witnessed in all of my years. His eyes are so wonderfully alight when he looks at you. And I know that Harry sees you similarly. I know my son." Marie gulps down the bile rising in her throat due to the possibility of the Queen knowing her and Harry's whole truth. "He was...very, very upset last night. And I begged Frederick not to make him participate in the viewing, but he felt it was necessary." She trails off. "Perhaps...we both know our son too well. I suppose my husband truly believed it was the right thing to do." Marie can't help the tears welling up in her eyes. "You've fallen for him, haven't you?" She bites her lip, refusing to answer the Queen's inquiry.

"I love Leopold, your Majesty." Louisa nods.

"Harry's love for you...it's just too much for him. He left this morning, at first light." Marie feels her chest tighten and she lets out an accidental cry before quickly covering her mouth. She composes herself as quickly as she can and tries to blink the tears away.

"Where did he..." She struggles to speak considering the lump in her throat was growing with every painful second. "Where did he go?" Louisa squeezes her hand.

"He's going to travel for a little while. I think it's best for him to be away from the castle for the time being." Marie shakes her head.

"I didn't mean for any of this..." Louisa kneels down now and wraps her arms around the emotional Princess.

"I know, darling. This life is all...it is so much and you were thrust into it, so you found comfort in Harry, and that is not your fault. And my son is...he's truly a good man. But it isn't fair for him to have to see you with his brother." Marie nods as they pull away.

"I'm so sorry. I care about him so..."

"I know you do."

"But I do love Leopold, I do. He is a good man and I know we'll be happy together." She sniffles as Louisa smiles sadly down at her.

"Some women are...able to live their life freely. They..are able to love whomever they want..do whatever they want...but some women, like you and I, Marie, we were meant to be great. We were born into worlds that demand so much from us, but that are so rewarding if executed properly. I see a wildly fortunate future in you. Your marriage with Leopold, I believe will be one for the ages. Our two great countries will be in both of your hands and I trust that you will lead our people justly and fairly..with so much courage and compassion. Now, I don't know your parents well, but I do know that you are terribly strong-willed and so incredibly brave. I know you'll be a fearless and formidable Queen." Marie watches her carefully. "It will take some time, and it will take nothing less than everything that you have. Harry will return at some point and you will not allow yourself to be swayed. You will not fall down before him, you must rise above it. No matter what you feel...no matter what it is that you truly want. We are leaders, Marie. We lead and sometimes that means that our hearts are less than whole. But it is our duty. I wish it wasn't that way but it is." Louisa uses her thumbs to wipe the leftover tears from Marie's cheeks, then she stands up. "I'll send your ladies back in a few minutes to begin packing your things for the voyage to France later this afternoon. Marie nods and begins to quickly wash herself with lavender oils and soap. She knew what she had to do now, and she was entirely grateful for the Queen's kindness and wisdom. It was her time to be truly great, and she believed in herself and in her husband. 

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