Chapter 2

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How can Nick be so attractive? I can't stop staring at him. He's literally the most hottest person alive, and that is saying a lot.

"So Spellman, tell me about yourself"

"Well as you may know, I'm half witch and half mortal and on weekdays, I attend Baxter high, you know a mortal school."

"I never got along with a mortal before, I hate them, but I'm willing to my an exception for you because you're just so damn good looking." I blushed a little, stopping in the middle of the hallway. He stopped to, with an confused face. "Nick, just to clear the air, I have a boyfriend"

"Yeah a mortal one. You know I'm willing to share. He can have you on weekdays and I can have you one weekends." I laughed a little while rolling my eyes. "That's not how it works"

He laughs and continues walking, me slowly following after him.

After the tour

"You know Sabrina, did Father Blackwood told you that me and a few others are going to be attending Baxter high starting Monday." I stare at him in shock. Fuck, not it's going to be harder to avoid his flirting and sexual remarks towards me. "Um no, but why?"

"Blackwood thinks that math, and the other subjects might come in handy one day." He chuckled a little and he took a bite of his sandwich. "Excuse me, can we sit here?" I looked up and saw the weird sisters hovering over us.

The weird sisters and I knew each other for a while now. I'm the only mortal they actually like, which is good. "Of course Prudence" all three of them sat down and nick looked a little annoyed. Did he not want them to sit here. "So Sabrina, my sisters and I are one of the few chosen ones to go to Baxter High"

"That's great! Y'all can see my friends and my boyfriend again." Prudence rolled her eyes at the mention of my boyfriend. "You're still with that scum? Didn't he cheat on you like 2 months ago?" Nick eyes light up at the mention of him cheating on me. "Yeah but like that was only one time, and I love him."

"Yeah okay, nicki boy, can I speak to you alone."

Nick POV

I walk with prudence to the other side of the cafeteria. She turned and looked at me, studying me a little bit. "I need you to make Sabrina fall in love with you"

"How?" She smirked a little and came closer to me. "Nick, take her virginity." I stared at her in shock. I can't believe she said that. "Uh, I don't think I can do that, plus that means she will cheat on her boyfriend. Actually fuck him. How will I manage that though?"

"Just tease her. She tells me a lot how she wants to lose her virginity to someone other than Harvey. Make her crave you Nick. She'll fall in love with you eventually"

"Why do you want her to fall in love with me."

"First off, you're way better than Harvey and I think you guys would make a cute couple. If you pop her cherry, she'll never start thinking about it, which will make her closer to you. And then bam, y'all are in love. Just do it and I promise, you'll won't regret it." And with that, she walked away.

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