Voldemort and Platform 9 3/4

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After we finished getting our wands Hagrid came to pick us up. He got us each our own owl for our birthday. "Happy birthday, Harry and Rose" Hagrid told us when we exited the shop and handed us our new owls in their cages. Harry got a snow white owl and i got an owl that was as black as night with Ice blue eyes. "The owls are twins just like you two are." Hagrid said. "Harry yours is a girl and Rose yours is a boy." Hagrid told us. "Wow, thanks so much Hagrid." I said. "Yeah thanks Hagrid." Harry said. "I love my owls eyes Hagrid, I didn't know that owls could have blue eyes." I told Hagrid. "They usually don't, but the store owner said that this one is one of a kind and very special. I thought it would perfect for you, and since he had a twin sister, I got them for the two of you, because snowy owls are also rare. One of a kind and rare twin owls for the one of a kind twins." Hagrid explained." Thanks Hagrid." Harry and I said in unison. We went back to the Leaky Culdron for lunch, Harry and I were still thinking about what that man said about the person who gave Harry his scar,the man who killed our parents. Harry decided ask Hagrid about him. Hagrid told us the story of this bad wizard named Voldemort, he killed our parents and tried to kill us too, but when he tried to kill Harry his curse rebounded and he disappeared. That's how Harry got his scar and why he is famous, because he somehow stopped the dark lord. People call him the boy who lived. After lunch we went back to the Dursleys for a month before school started. The Dursleys mostly ignored us, but I took great pleasure in tormenting Dudley with pretend magic every time he annoyed us, I would just point my wand at him and say a bunch of gibberish words and he would run screaming to his mommy. I spent almost all my time reading my school books, by September 1st I already read all of books twice, and I have memorized nearly all of the spells in my charms and DA books and I can perform nearly half of them perfectly, I have also memorized my potions book and I made all of the potions in my potions book correctly.
Hagrid picked us up a few minutes ago and we just arrived at kings cross station. Hagrid had too leave early and just handed us our ticket which said platform 9 3/4 on it. "Harry this says platform 9 3/4 on it, this can't be right." I told Harry. "I agree there is no such platform." Harry agreed. "Maybe, Hagrid got the wrong ticket or something?" Harry asked. "U don't know, maybe. Let's ask someone and see if they know something." I suggested. We decided to ask one of the workers, but he didn't know anything and just thought we were some dumb kids pulling a prank. After a few more minutes of wandering around, we saw a red headed woman, with five kids talking about platform 9 3/4. We followed them and saw one kid walk through a wall. We decided to ask her how to get onto the platform. "Excuse me, how do we get onto the platform?" I asked her. She smiled kindly at us and said "Oh don't worry dears, it's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well." She said pointing at a red headed boy around our age. "All you have to do is is walk straight into the wall between platforms 9 and 10." she said. The platform was hidden by a magic barrier. We took her advice and we walked through the wall. When we arrived on the other side, we saw a scarlet train with "The Hogwarts Express" written on it and a sign that says platform 9 3/4. It was so cool, most schools had a school bus, but we have a school train. The school must be very rich and very far away. Harry and I boarded the train and found a empty compartment. We put our luggage on the luggage rack and prepared for the journey to Hogwarts. I couldn't believe we were finally going to Hogwarts I was so excited.

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