Chapter Three

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To make up for the last chapter being so short i uploaded this chapter too... HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!! :)


Unknown point of veiw:

I watch as the young boy starts walking towards my body.

        "Come on just a little closer" I think to myself. He gets closer and closer. A girl I have come to realize, name was Reyna sees my body and with the young boy starts coming closer while cautiously looking around for any threats. The young one finally reaches my body and is about to reach out a touch it until I am sucked back into my body. I then only see darkness until I suddenly am able to open my eyes for the first time in who knows how long. I first see that I am in the meadow surrounded by the three kids Jason, Dakota, and Reyna. I slowly start to sit up while watching then look at me in awe.

        "Hello sweetie what's your name?" Dakota asked me

       "Um..... I don't know Aria I think? Aria Daae.  That's what the voice who always kept me company called me." I said.

        "Ok Aria who is this voice you are talking about it? It gave you a name to call it right?" Reyna asked me

        "SHE told me to call her Mother. She said she would always watch over me and keep me safe when I was alone and I have been alone for a long time!" I told them innocently.

        "How old are you Aria?" Jason asked me

         "I am five!" I told them while holding up five fingers.

        "How old are all of you?" I asked

        “I'm seven, Dakota is nine, and Reyna is eleven." Jason tells me while pointing

        "Aria we are going to take you somewhere safe, somewhere where you will be with people who are just like you, ok." Reyna, who is obviously the leader, said.

         "Ok, but when you say people like me what do you mean?" I asked.

        "Demigods, people who have godly blood in them. A long time ago there were people called Greeks who had gods that had kids with mortal. Then the proud and powerful Roman Empire adopted these gods and they had children with mortals. This 'camp' is for any with that Roman god blood in them." She explains.

        “Oh I understand… So who are your parents Jason?” I asked

         “I don’t know who my mom is she left me at the wolf house with Lupa when I was only a baby and Lupa herself brought me to the wolf. My dad on the other hand is a little hard not to know about… My dad is Jupiter, king of the gods.”

        “Oh so how do I find out whom my mom or dad is?” I asked

        "Well we will not know until they reveal themselves.” Reyna explained

        As soon as I agreed to go, we set off for the ‘camp’.


hmmm i wonder what camy this is?????? state your guesses in the comments!!!!

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