Just Like Old Times

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Cyn :hello.. Si ma I'm almost there ..ok .. bye .* I hung up the phone and continue driving to my mom's house. It's been a week exact since erica left for a gig but before leaving she bought me an iphone. I tried to give it back but she really doesn't take no for an answer.We  call each other every night to check on how our day went. I pulled up in my mom's driveway and saw a familiar car parked . I got out and walk in the house.*. Maami ! I'm here. 

Letty: In the kitchen mija !.

Cyn:* I walk to the kitchen and see her talking to Sonia while they cook*. Don't yall get tired of each other?. *I went to hug them both*.

Sonia:*laughing* not at all.

Letty: Cynthia por favor  No empieces. (Please don't start)

Cyn: I'm just saying , you guys see each other everyday.  

Sonia: well we had a lot of catching up to do. 

Cyn:mmm ok . I'll be  watching TV in the living room meanwhile yall cook and gossip.* I walk quick to the living room before my mom said something. I sat down and turn the TV on to animal planet as I was putting on the volume I felt two hands covering my eyes I jumped and drop the control*. Who ever this is .. is invading my personal space so off you go. *they didn't move* ugh rob ? *no answer* Mary?*still no answer* Ana ?*nope let me test the waters I got a feeling on who this is*Albee?*the hands uncovered my eyes and I felt and elbow hit my back*. Ouch!!! 

Erica: albee .. really?! 

Cyn:I was joking around * I went to go give her a hug but she moved* Erica.

Erica:No I don't want a hug now * I cross my arms and pretended to be mad*.

 Cyn: you so childish.* Maaa erica is being mean to me*I yell and run to the kitchen.

Erica : am childish? * I ran behind her* No I'm not she's the one being mean * I went and hug letty*.

Cyn: * I saw how erica hugged my mom* oh so that's how it is ? * I went and hugged sonia* you believe me right ? * I stick my tongue out to erica*.

Sonia: ok both of you stop *laughing*.

Letty: just like the good old times.

Sonia: yes too bad I have to leave tomorrow.

Erica: tomorrow?  I thought you were leaving next week ? 

Sonia: oh since you were gone I forgot to tell your sister is dropping king off tomorrow they had to come early from vacation because of her job. 

Cyn: sorry for being noisy let me touch my nose. . But who's king ?

Sonia: you haven't told her yet ? *she looks at erica* 

Erica : *I nodded no with my head*

Cyn: told me what ? * I look at all 3 of them and they knew something that  I didn't*.

Letty: Sonia how about we go now to the store and buy what's missing?

Sonia: yes *she turns and looks at both of us* can you guys please turn off the stove around 7 o clock ?

Erica:yes mam 

Letty: please don't forget or yall don't eat nothing for dinner.

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