Chapter One

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I looked up from the cupcakes I was icing as I heard front door chime. A smile made its way to my lips as I watched an old couple make their way to a table situated at the far left corner of the cafe. I wiped my hands as I reached for the menu on the countertop ready to take the couple's order when another pair of hands beat me to it.

" I'll do it." my co-worker/ best friend, Emma said as she sashayed off to the couple. Her wavy brown hair swishing behind her.

Emma and I met during our first year in college. We shared the same room but never really got to know each other. With my job and school I barely had time to socialize.

One night while I was walking back to our dormitory from work, I passed by a secluded alley when I heard a scream. Without thinking about the consequences, I quickly ran into the direction the sound came from. There I saw a drunk man pinning a helpless Emma against the wall, his hands roaming all over her body as she desperately fought him off. I quickly jumped onto the man's back knocking him off balance. I scrambled away from him and turned to the direction where Emma was at only to find her gone.


A growl had me looking at the man on the ground as he struggle to stand.

"Why you little, cock blocker!" He spat.

My eyes widened as I ran away like the chicken I was. Unfortunately for me, my legs choose the exact same time to tangle themselves up together.

"Humph!" I had the breath knocked out of me as I struggled to quickly get up. I screamed as a hand reached out and grabbed my hair forcing me to stand.

"You'll pay for that, you little slut" his breath smelled like alcohol and cigarettes. He grabbed me by the neck and it felt as though my eyes were about pop out of their sockets.

I clawed at his hand desperately trying to get air into my lungs. Just when I was about to pass out the man fell onto the floor. I stared at Emma who had a crowbar raised high above her head.

" Thanks" I rasped. My voice raspy from being chocked.

She nodded not keeping her eyes off the unconscious man on the ground.

"Are you okay?" she asked

I nodded. "Are you?"

She dropped the crowbar and hugged the life at of me. We've been inseparable since then.

I snapped out of my stupor when I felt a slap on my ass. I turned to glare at the culprit.

" Those cupcakes aren't going to put icing on theirselves you know" Emma said pushing past me to work on the coffee machine. I rolled my eyes at her and continued with my work.

A few minutes later the doors chimed again and entered a couple of girls. The one in the middle was wearing a skimpy red top that left little to the imagination. She had on a mini skirt short enough to see her underwear (if she was wearing any) if she bent down. Her shoes on the other hand was higher than the coffee mugs I use to served to my costumes. She had long straight blond hair and her face was coated in layers and layers of make up. The two girls behind her was sporting a similar look to her. How typical.

"Uh-oh, Regina George called she said she wanted her bimbos back" Emma whispered beside. I giggled at her as I grabbed the menu and made my way over to the Devil's pawns.

" Hi, I'm Anna and welcome to Kaffeklatsch." I plastered on a smile as I handed them the menu. I watched them scan it with distaste.

Unfortunately, I was used to this kind of reaction. There was a private school a bloke away from the cafe wherein all the rich people of New York sent their children to school to. Most of the nannies, chauffeurs even the parents would visit the cafe while waiting for their kids to be sent home. Once they've tried our food though they kept on coming back. I've never seen this trio before so I'm guessing they weren't here to wait for their children who wouldn't be released for another hour or so.

I was too busy thinking to myself that I failed to notice the girls at the table glaring at me.

"Excuse me!" blondie snarled.

" I'm sorry." I felt my face flush deep red.


" What can I get for you beautiful ladies?" I asked smiling brightly them.

"I'll have a coffee. No sugar." Blondie said still glaring at me. I smiled and wrote down her order and turned to the rest of the group.

" And for you?" I asked the girl with bright red hair.

" I'll have an iced tea" she said without looking up from her nails. I turned to the last girl and smiled.

" I'll have a latte and a slice of your chocolate cake. Oh! And a cookie to go please" She said smiling brightly. Looking at her closely her clothes weren't as revealing as the other two nor did she have thick make up covering her face, her freckled nose making her look shy and innocent. Finally! I girl who wasn't afraid to eat. I happily wrote down her order.

" God, you are such a pig" Blondie snarled with disgust. I watched the girls's smile vanish and Miss little redhead giggle at her friend's rude comment.

" I'll be right back with your orders" I said hoping to break some of the tension in the air.

The moment I was in the safety of the kitchen I let out a sigh as I quickly got their orders ready.

How mean!

" I'll show her." I muttered as I slipped an extra cookie in the bag for the girl. I plastered on a smile as I gave them their orders, winking at the freckled nose girl as I placed her order in front of her.


Hi there! I hope you like the first part of my first story. The picture you saw is what the cafe looks like on the inside. Thank you for reading 😘

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