The emotion hero Happi!

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     Happi stared up at UA academy's tall gates with sparkling eyes, so excited she was practically bouncing in place. Double checking she had her passcard she stepped forward to walk through, only to be knocked into by an upperclassman. The blond boy shouted an apology as he kept running, quickly followed by an explosive ash blond screaming profanities.
     Happi windmilled her arms for balance, nearly falling due to her large duffle bag (the last of her things to be moved to her new dorm) only to be caught by another upperclassman who had been passing. "You good?" The sleepy-looking boy asked blandly. She grinned up at him- WOW he's tall!- and nodded rapidly, taking a moment to steady herself.

    "Yeah! Thank for catching me! The name my parents gave me is boring, so call me Happi! What should I call you?" She waited expectantly, as the purple haired boy blinked tiredly. "Ugh, too bright. Tone down the sunshine yeah? Name's Shinsou," he grumbled. "Now bug off little gremlin, you're blocking the way."

     "Oh! S-sorry," she stammered as the boy shrugged and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, and they passed through the gates. The boy - Shinsou, gotta remember that name- didn't say anything else, but continued to walk with her as she lugged her heavy bag towards where she thought the dorms were.

     "Do you even know where you're going?" He snorted, as Happi looked around in confusion for the third or fourth time. She whined in frustration, dropping her bag on the ground before flopping on it dramatically.

     "No, dear sir! I appear to be hopelessly lost! Oh however will I find my way?" She exclaimed in an over the top falsetto, flinging her arm over her eyes in a mock faint. She peeked out from beneath her arm when she heard an odd sound. Shinsou was covering his mouth, but she could see the corners turned up a little.

    "Gasp! Is that a smile I see?" She clasped her hands together as if praying, eyes upturned. "A true gift from God himself!" Shinsou snorted again, a small chuckle escaping as he tried to keep a straight face. " Ok dork, where were you trying to go?" He asked, stiff shoulders relaxing a bit.

"Ah! First year dorms! I'm in class 1-C," Happi exclaimed, jumping up and trying to lift her duffle bag once more. Shinsou watched her struggle with it passively for a few moments before sighing and grabbing the strap from her hand, then swinging it onto his back effortlessly. The short girl stared at him with wide shining eyes.

     "Oh wow that was like nothing for you! I hope I get that strong! I wanna be a hero but it's kinda hard without a strong quirk..." She pouted a bit, the last part almost mumbled. Shinsou raised an eyebrow questioningly, glancing down at her as he turned to walk the complete opposite direction.

     "...the dorms are on the other side of campus. Pretty sure your little legs would collapse if you tried to carry this there," he explained as she looked up at him in confusion. Her cheeks puffed out in annoyance, and she jutted her chin out defiantly as she very seriously told him, " I'm not little. I'm fun-sized."

     Shinsou nearly tripped, eyes wide as he turned to her. "You did not just say that. Seriously? Fun-sized?" Happi could tell he was trying to sound disgusted with her humor, but she could see his cheek twitch as he held back a small smile of his own. She nodded, feeling a bit of pride at making this gloomy boy cheer up a bit, without even using her quirk!

     She skipped along beside him, eyes taking in the campus, completely oblivious to the stares of a few second year students who were passing. "Who is she? Why is she walking with him?" Shinsou glared at the whispering classmates, and they hurried away down the path. He scowled and sped up, making Happi break into a jog to catch up.

     Her fluffy undercut hair blew everywhere, getting in her eyes. She reached up to brush it away and didn't notice Shinsou stop in front of one of the large buildings, stumbling as she bounced off his back. He caught her again with a growl of exasperation before placing both Happi and her duffle bag on the doorstep.

     She blinked up at him and smiled. "You saved me again! You're my hero!" She laughed. "I was worried I wouldn't make any friends, but I haven't even been here a day and I've already got a cool one!" Shinsou's scowl lessened and he patted her on the head before turning to walk away.

     "I'm not here to make friends. But maybe I could make an exception."

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