Chapter One

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In the small old Irish town of Dublin Ireland, the sun was rising just above the horizon. the sounds of birds chirping and animals waking up filled the streets, a young woman with long hair that seemed to be made of starlight and eyes that were different colors, her left eye was violet and her right was a beautiful forest green, her skin seemed to be kissed by moonlight was starting to open up a small flower shop that sat on the edge of the main road. her starlight hair pulled into a ponytail with a single piece of blue ribbon, her apron draped over her blue gown. she flipped the sign to open as she looked out the window and smiled softly as people began to fill the streets heading to the morning market.

" Raya darling can you help me with these vases?" the young woman's mother called out. Raya smiled as she turned giving her a nod and ran to her side grabbing an arm full or vases and started to place them on the arrangement table. her mother who was a short skinny woman with reddish-brown hair and loving brown eyes looked at her and smiled. "something came for you this morning, here" she said handing her a folded piece of parchment with a strange wax seal of a crescent moon on it.

Taking the parchment she raised a brow at the wax seal and back at her mother. "do you know who sent it mother?" she asked. her mother who was cutting stems to a bundle of lilies, shook her head not taking her eyes away from her work.

"no darling I do not," she said softly as she tried not to lose her concentration. Raya sighed as she broke the strange seal and opened the parchment.

Lady Raya Blake,

I have knowledge of your father I know you would wish to know. please meet me by the Stonehenge at sundown. there I will give you the information you so crave to know.

Sincerely yours.

Raya stared at the parchment as she reread the letter over and over again. her father? how did this person know of her father? her mother had told her he had vanished before she was born. she never even told her his name only that Raya carried his last name. she looked back at her mother and watched her work. she smiled sadly as she remembered the struggles her mother went threw raising her and trying to keep the flower shop running. she folded the parchment and stuck it into her apron pocket. she decided she would make her decision on whether or not to meet with this stranger later on.

Getting back to work she started to place lilies in a vase as her mother cut them, but her mind kept straying back to the strange letter. Who sent it? Where were they? What information did they hold about her father? After hours went by and the day grew longer she couldn't help but get distracted from her work by the letter. The store would be closing soon and she looked to her mother and sighed.

"Something bothering you my child?" Her mother had asked with a concerned tone. Raya looked up and looked away for a second as she was about to deny her thoughts, but thinking better of it she looked back at her mother with a sad troubling smile.

"Who was my father?" She asked for she had asked the same question ever since she was a little girl. Her mother's face fell with sadness as she placed down a vase full of roses and walked over to Raya and wrapped her up in her warm embrace.

"My dear girl your father was a great man, but very odd." She said with a half-hearted laugh. "To be honest I didn't know much about him that he stole my heart at first glance. We were together for a little while then out of nowhere he vanished," she said as she turned and started to continue what she was doing in the first place.

Raya sighed and nodded as she looked out the window her apron pocket feeling heavy. She pulled the letter out and stared at it for just a moment before looking at her mother.

"Can you close without me tonight?" She asked. Her mother just nodded and gave her a smile as Raya took the letter out of her pocket so she could put up her apron.

Grabbing her grey hooded cloak she turned to her mother as she put it on and smiled. "I'll be home for supper." She said before running out the doors. 

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