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Part 1

Once upon a time, in a distant land a girl named Beninderella lived with her spinster stepmother Subaru and her two stepsisters. Well, it wasn't exactly her stepmother but a woman who has problems with men and for some reason she ended up taking care of Beninderella. And neither were her stepsisters but two other girls who also ended up in Subaru's care, and really they were not girls but two boys that Subaru forces them to dress as girls until they can be called good men without giving importance to how contradictory that sounds.While Subaru trained the stepsisters of Beninderella, Alice and Yuuto, I mean, Yuno to be good men, Beninderella trained her to be a good wife and not have to worry about finding a good man when she has already spent a little of your age to get married. Her training consisted of cleaning the whole small mansion and doing the housework herself. But since she was really grateful to her stepmother for welcoming her, she did all these tasks with pleasure to return her hospitality. One day there was an announcement that the king was going to organize a big party where everyone could attend while wearing formal clothes. The stepmother was excited because it was a perfect event to meet men but on the other hand, the other people who lived with her were not particularly excited about that event, but while watching the announcement Beninderella and Yuut-Yuno were excited to see a part. Alice, seeing how excited they both were, saw the announcement and said.
- Ooh, Here says "Prince Rokuro will also be at the party, it's a unique opportunity to talk to someone as popular as him." That sounds very important.
- I don't care about that - Beninderella answered instantly.
-Eh? - Alice replied.
- Look Alice, this is what really matters.Yuno showed her a part of the announcement to emphasize its importance, and Alice read it.
- At the party you can not only dance and meet people but you can eat all the exquisite dishes you want like ...... ohagis?
After mentioning several dishes, Alice remarked ohagis.
- That's right, the announcement clearly says "you can eat all the delicious dishes you want." That means we can eat all the ohagis we want!
Beninderella exclaimed with emotion as if that were the only thing that mattered to the announcement.
- Don't make it sound like a contest of all ohagis you can eat! What do you think people do at a party? - Alice highlighted.
Beninderella, Yuno and Subaru answered with confidence.
- Eat ohagis.
- Eat ohagis.
- Eat ohagis and meet good men.
- That it's not about the ohagis !!
- Well, well, whatever we will have to prepare for the party. So I will prepare our best clothes.
The stepmother said to return to the main topic and Alice answered.
- Does that mean we're going to be dressed as men?
- No, you will go with very nice dresses as your training to be good men.
- Nor does it make sense that I haven't found a good man yet - Subaru said in a tone of mock sadness.
- No, that makes a lot of sense because you are very AAAHH!
Before Yuno could finish her sentence, an arrow passed very close to her face.
- Am I very what, Yuno?
- Nothing
Subaru is one of the commanders of the king's army, she specializes in long-distance attacks. She is an expert in the handling of the bow and arrow but her favorite weapon is the crossbow.
Ignoring that whole scene, Beninderella was not only excited by the ohagis but it would also be the first time she went to a party. So she thought
- (Maybe going to that party will be more fun than I thought)

Part 2

- Beninderella, you won't go to the party.
Beninderella was petrified to hear the words of her stepmother.
- But why not!?
- Sorry, I completely forgot that you didn't have a dress. Even though your stepsisters wear dresses normally I never bought you one. The dance is tonight, although I already sent it to do, it will not arrive this night.
- But I can't use one of yours?
- I also thought that, but Alice's are very small, mine are very large and Yuno's are very wide back.
- Although the size of our chest are not very different AAH!
Beninderella threw a shoe in Yuno's left eye for what she said.
- Shut up. I really can't go to the dance?
- Excellent aim and no, I'm really sorry. You know that only people with formal clothes can go - said the stepmother really regretting.
- It is true...
Seeing that Beninderella was depressed, Alice tried to cheer her up.
- D-don't be sad, Beninderella, we will bring you all the ohagis that we can take with us.
- Please - Beninderella responded by raising her thumb and with a firm look.
- Oooh well done Alice, you knew how to cheer up a depressed girl. That gives you many points as a man - said the stepmother congratulating Alice.
- Does that mean I can take off my dress?
- No.
To all this, Yuno was still kneeling on the floor holding his left eye with both hands.
That night, a carriage was ready to pick up the stepmother and stepsisters. Subaru wore a white dress with bare shoulders and loose hair without her usual hat, Yuno wore a blue one-piece dress that matched her long blue hair and, for some reason, Alice wore a gothic lolita dress with her face all red. Beninderella was at the entrance of the mansion with her white cat Kinako in her arms to say goodbye.
- I sorry that you cannot accompany us - Subaru said with a fan covering her mouth.
- It's okay stepmother.
- I-I'll make sure to bring you all the ohagis I can.
- I'm counting on you Alice, don't forget this - Beninderella was offering her 10 boxes to take food.
- Do not exaggerate.
After seeing how they got into the carriage and drove away, Beninderella entered the house. She was alone with her cat in the small mansion, although her stepmother told her that she could do what she wanted, she didn't feel like doing anything in particular. So she thought about going to her room to sleep early so that when she woke up she could eat the long-awaited ohagis. But Beninderella realized something important, there was a possibility that they wouldn't bring her ohagis. She thought that her stepmother would be so busy looking for good men that she would forget, that her step-sister Alice was surrounded by many boys trying to flirt with her that she couldn't grab the ohagis without being embarrassed and that Yuno would spend the whole night eating ohagis and forget it too. In fact, Yuno was not going to take her ohagis because she was still mad by the slap in her eye.
Realizing all that, she sat on her bed, put Kinako on her legs and gave a long sigh.
- I want to go to that party.
- You do not have to worry
- !!
Out of nowhere a voice was heard.
- Who is it!? - Beninderella said in panic
- I am.
From the window entered a sphere of light that became so large until it became a person.
- I am, CHINU, the magical girl who will ease all your sorrows hey where are you going?Beninderella stood still when she was about to leave the room with a pale face and carrying Kinako.

Part 3

- I am, CHINU, the magical girl who will relieve all your sorrows.
- You already said that.
In front of Chinu was Beninderella who was sitting on her bed, with her cat in her arms and trying to process everything that had happened. The sphere of light that entered through the window had become a girl with a slightly younger appearance than Beninderella's. she had pale pink hair, a twintail, gloves, boots, miniskirt, a vest decorated with the fabric protruding from the back and all her clothes had a color similar to that of her hair.
Also she had a wand with a pentagonal star on the tip.
- You're a witch?
- NO!! Didn't you hear my presentation!? I am a magical girl.
- So young witches are called magical girls?
- Do you want to stop calling me a witch?
Before the series and something sinister face of Chinu, Beninderella decided to change the subject.
- Ahem, so what do you want?
- I already told you, I will relieve all your sorrows.
- What do you mean?
- You see, I was passing by here when I felt the lament of a young maiden. I understand, it is rare that a young girl in a mansion has not gone to the party in the palace. It must be that your unfair family forbade it and now you're regretting that you can't go to the party to have fun, dance, meet people-
- I want to eat ohagis.
- Hey.
With a frown, Chinu heard the whole story of Beninderella.
- So that's the real reason you were discouraged.
- Well, not really.
- Oooh, I see.
- Only the big part.
- Hey!
- On the other hand, yes, I would like to go out, have fun like everyone else and-
Beninderella's common sense became active when she realized that she was talking to a complete stranger.
- By the way, exactly what do you mean by "passing by here"?
The magical girl answered Beninderella's logical question with an explanation. Her magic wand was running out of magic, and can only be recharged with moonlight. But since there was only half moon she was looking for the best place to load it. That place was Subaru's mansion and that's when she felt Beninderella. Chinu said that she wanted to make a deal, with the magic that she had left, she was going to give her a dress and what was necessary to go to the dance. And in return she let her stay so that her wand would recharge with the moonlight. But even Beninderella's common sense was warning him.
- I don't know, I shouldn't trust a stranger.
- When you are at the party you will have all the ohagis you can eat, right?
- Let's do it - her common sense went out.
- Very well, first the dress. As I do not have so much magic I will not be able to repeat the shots, so stay still where you are.
- Understand, wait, shots?
With a slightly exaggerated movement, Chinu pointed her magic wand at Beninderella and said.
A powerful light came out of the wand, hit Beninderella's legs and covered the entire room with a white light.
- Fiiu, I must say that I did a good job weighing on the dress. That really suits you, hey girl don't lie on the floor, you will ruin your new clothes - Chinu said a little annoyed.
- Ha ... ha ... ha ... I felt as if my legs exploded.
Beninderella had a beautiful light blue dress, gloves, crystal slippers, hair tied, pale face and teary eyes.
- Couldn't you do it with more delicacy? - Beninderella said while standing.
- Oops sorry, I usually use my wand to kill evil monsters. Well, now only one carriage, horses and a coachman are missing.
Suddenly it was heard that the door of the mansion opened, footsteps were heard approaching and a red-haired boy opened the door.
- Beninderella, are you all right? Sorry to come in like this, I heard a scream and I saw a light coming out the window.
- Oh perfect a coachman, don't move. Bibidi Babidi KYUU KYUU NO RITSU RYOU !!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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