"So how are you girls feeling?" Paige asks

"Excited!" Jess says

"Siannise and Jess operation get you both a man" you say to them

"Look at all their faces" Paige says as she holds on to your arm

"Do you reckon they're sweating over there?" Siannise says

"Bradley is" Paige says with a smirk making you laugh and then you all go to get ready

"Bradley is" Paige says with a smirk making you laugh and then you all go to get ready

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You as always help the girls get ready

"Jess are you going to bringing out your hostess skills tonight?" You ask while straightening her hair

"I think tonight is the night" Eve says and then you and the girls go down to the fire pit while the boys look over the balcony

"Cheers boys" you say as you all point your glasses in their direction and they do the same back

"How are you feeling Y/n?" Jess asks

"I'm just looking forward to you and Siannise meeting a new guy" you say making them both smile

"Is mike your type?" Leanne is asked

"No" she simply replies making you laugh

"One of them is definitely going to come in here and want to cause trouble" Eve says

"I've had enough" you say as you roll your eyes and then you look up to Brad and give him a smile which he returns and then you hear two voices  and you turn around to see one that looks like Justin Bieber with another guy both good looking but you're not interested

"Hello girls" they say

"Hi" you all reply

"You all look unbelievable" the one that looks like Justin bieber says

"You all look unreal" the other says, you give the two boys a hug  and they peck both of your cheeks and you introduce yourself to them and they're both called Luke which is confusing

Luke M is Justin
Luke T is the other one

(Brads PoV)
The boys and I are looking down at the girls meet the new guys

"How fit is Y/n though!" I groan as I look down at her

"They all look amazing" fin says and I look down and see Justin Bieber look a-like standing right beside Y/n just hovering around her

"He's wanting to move" I growl

"I know fuck off Bieber" Connor says

"Boys!" This girls call and you signal for us to come down and we do, i introduce myself to the boys and I gave Y/n a peck on the cheek and sit down beside her

"So what's the situation with the girls then boys?" Luke T asks

"So obviously me and Paige are coupled up at the moment" Finley starts

"Going well?" Luke T asks

"Going alright, yeah" he replies

Connor reveals all his eggs are in Sophie's basket, mike says the same about Leanne

"Brad?" Luke T asks making Y/n look up at me

"I'm happy with Y/n yeah" I tell them

"You're cute together" both Luke's say making Y/n smile and I press my lips to hers softly for a small kiss

"Thank you" I say to the boys

Luke M gets a text making you all Ooh

"Got a text. Luke M the public have been voting and have decided you should go on a date with Jess" he reads making Y/n squeal in happiness for her

Luke T then gets a text

"I've got a text! Like T the public have been voting and have decided you shouldn't go on a date with Siannise please leave the villa immediately" he reads making y/n squeal again with excitement, she then hug the girls and they head off for their date.

Y/n, Paige and I sit on the bean bags and Paige looks down

"Are you okay?" Y/n asks

"Mmh" Paige nods

"I don't think you are, do you want to come chat?" She asks "Paige whats wrong?" She asks and then tells you guys that Finley never walked over to her when the boys came in and then pulls her for a chat.

I pull Y/n on to my bean bag and she lays her head on my chest and she entwines our legs together as I wrap my arms around her small waist

"Connagh was shitting himself" Connor says

"He should be" Y/n says

"Why?" Connor asks

"Because she said she wasn't going to shut her off for anyone and that" she tells us

"Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, no" Connor agrees

"He's a good looking lad isn't he?" I says to Connor

"Yeah he's lovely" y/n adds and I make a mock angry face making her laugh and kiss my cheek

"Brad was proper worried too" Connor says making me jokingly glare at him

"You weren't meant to tell her that" I say pretending to be angry

"Aww why were you worried?" She asks with the cutest confused expression

"Because you're a gorgeous girl, a lovely girl too so they've got no reason to not like you" I tell her

"Aww well I only like you" she tells me and I give her a quick kiss and then we all talk about the new Luke's and Sophie winds Connor up and he walks away

"He's stressed" y/n says

"I think we are all a bit stressed" I say and y/n fixes my collar and I tell Sophie about how Connor is a worrier and then myksef and Y/n head inside as it's cold so she's hidden yourself in a bunch of pillows

"Why are you stressed?" Y/n asks as Connor walks in

"Because it's fucked me off" Connor says

"Want to have a chat?" Callum asks as he stands up and goes to the toilet

"She was only joking" y/n says

"But I don't go about saying how fit Rebecca is," Connor says "I'm actually about to lose my shit" he says as he starts pacing

"Don't, dont, she was only joking with you" I say and that goes on for a while and Paige walks in and Callum comes back and sits beside shaughna

"Shaughna what would you do? Right listen to me if Callum came over here and listed seven things about Rebecca" Connor asks

"He gets to know everyone" shaughna says making us burst out laughing

"Fuck off" he laughs

"Tell me now would you kick off?" He asks and then Sophie walks in "can we have a chat?" He asks and then everyone comes back from their dates making us all cheer and the boys and I go for a chat and then I head inside to see Y/n brushing her teeth So I my arms around her from behind which makes her smile and then she turns around and i kisses him, i then pick her up and sits her on the sink, as we kiss her small hand wonders around my neck and chest and mine move around her hips and waist, eventually she pulls away and hit my chest making me laugh

"I'm glad you didn't have a date tonight" i say and she places a small kiss on my lips

"Me too" she says making me smile and then she takes my hand and leads me to bed and she instantly falls asleep as I wrap my arms around her.

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