I smirked and looked to him, "well it was bound to happen to one of us and well it is fun to be this way, I mean the voices do help with the killing and it's even better when they help" I giggled and pulled my arms free from the binding on the chair and looked to them all and grinned at the shocked look on all of their faces.

I laughed as I was looking to them all, "files don't tell you everything that you need to know because they don't know it all" I explained and smirked, "plus it doesn't have all the things you need to know any way" I said and walked over to Jay and bent down in front of him and untied him.

Jay smiled as he stood up and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck, "as nice as this little family reunion has been we will be going now" Jay said and looked to his father, "and don't follow us because then we really will have to kill you all and we have only just left Arkham so we don't want to be back there quite yet" Jay said and went to leave when his dad spoke, "we want to talk to you both, please give us a chance to speak to you" he said.

I turned to him and growled, "and we don't" I snarled looking to my father, "if I remember the last time we spoke you wanted Jay and I to leave each other and got shitty when we didn't take your commands" I snarled and turned to my dad who did looked scared as he took a step back from me, "didn't work to well did it John because know you're stuck with me" I asked.

He sighed and I watched as he got the courage up and walked over to me, I stood back and smirked, "don't think so, I don't like people around or touching me without me saying so and I certainly don't need you touching me" I growled and walked over to Jay and smiled, "I'm bored puddin" I said to him.

He laughed and looked over to the girl that was in the room, "I'm sure she will give you the run around and make you happy for a little bit" Jay said and smirked, "I'm sure it will be fun for you and maybe make you want to run around after her when she is all bloody" he said to me.

I smirked and turned to face her and she was pulled behind another woman who growled at me, "you are not touching my daughter, I know what you're capable of doing to other people that you don't like" a woman said.

I turned to her and smiled sweetly, "but I am bored and a bored me isn't a good thing, I tend to end up killing people and you don't want that do you" I asked and growled, "I mean do you really want to upset me" I snarled.

She looked confused and Jay laughed, "Don't worry she won't kill you all, she will make sure one of you lives" he said and looked to me, "do you want to speak to them or leave, I don't mind which one you want Pooh" he asked.

I looked to him and smiled, "leave you know that we don't want to speak to them because of what they did to us" I said to him and smiled as he nodded and wrapped his arm back around my shoulders and we turned to walk back out when it was my father that stopped us this time but did the one thing he shouldn't have done, "please Ally, I just want my chance to explain my side to you" dad said.

I turned to him and snarled, "Don't you dare call me that John" I snarled, "I left that life behind ten years ago when you told me you didn't trust me, you should forget all about me because we don't even remember you much" I snapped.

I watched as he walked over to me and I laughed as he looked down to me, "Do you have a death wish John because I am more than happy to stab you if needed" I explained and watched as he took my hands trying to get me to listen to him. I pulled my hands out of his hands and noticed that Jay had him pinned to the wall which I had to admit did not look nice as Jay was pinning him by his neck, "do not touch what is not yours because I will kill you and I will make it long so you suffer" he snarled.

My father nodded and I smirked as I sat down on the bed and noticed that there were files on Jay and I, I grabbed the one with my name on it and opened it not being able to stop the laughter coming from me. I noticed that Jay looked to me and I held it up, "well I think that the doctors at Arkham and Black gate think that I have some issues" I said and Jay smirked, "well I can name a few" he said and I looked to him, "well they seem to think that I have a lot of them; Failure to obey laws and norms, warranting arrest, Lying, and manipulation for amusement or profit, behaviour, Irritability and aggression including assaulting others, Blatant disregard for the safety of self and others, Pattern of irresponsibility and Lack of remorse" I said as I read down the list of the issues they seemed to think I had.

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