Less Talking and More Action

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*At Sam's House*

Sam's POV:
"Wow..." Danny stopped in his tracks and stared up at my family's mansion. I get that reaction a lot when I take people to my house. Just wait until he sees my bedroom.

On top it of my great grandfather being an inventor, my mom is a lawyer and my dad works for the president so they rack up on quite a bit of money most of time. "I know, right?" I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him in the house. "Damn, your parents must be loaded." He said as eyed the living room. "Yeah, they have to much money then they know what to do with." I said laughing slightly.

He took off his jacket and set on the back of the couch. I noticed something black and brown peaking out from under his shirt on his shoulder which looked a lot like the handle to a scythe.

I walked over to Danny and put my hands on his shoulders. "You got a tattoo 2 years ago. Didn't you." I told him and he took off his shirt and I saw a tattoo of the grim reaper on his right shoulder and oh my freaking god did Danny's abs look amazing! I think I may have drooled over him a little bit.

Danny's POV:
When I was about 12 I had an uncle who did tattoos. He wanted to practice a new design and I was the only one around. Plus, I was curious. Next thing i knew, I ended up with a grim reaper tattooed on my right shoulder that hurt like a b*tch.

Oh well. You only live once.

I took her by the hands and pulled her close to me and looked into her eyes. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked and she blushed and laughed slightly. "You just did but go on." She said with a small smile.

I took a small breath in and said "Will you go out me?"

Sam's POV:
I stood there for a good 5 minutes. Daniel James Fenton. Just asked me out. Wow.... did not see this coming. He's still standing right in front of you. Say something! I thought to myself as I stood there in shock before finally letting a gasp leave me.

"I don't know what to say." I said still standing there with utter shock and confusion. He blushed and looked at the floor. I noticed regret in those beautiful blue eyes of his. I knew why. So I went ahead and said. "I would love to go out with you Danny."

He pulled me closer to him and looked down at me. He was a few inches taller then me and made me feel a little short. "Yeah?" He asked with a grin. "Yeah." I said as I lead him to the couch.

After I slipped off my jacket, and pushed Danny on the couch and said "You wanna watch a movie?"

Danny's POV:
I sat on the couch with Sam laying on my chest. We watched a movie and talked about everything and nothing at all. She looked up at me and said, "Why did you go to juvie?" I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Arson. I set my dad's garage on fire." Her eyes widened and she gasped. "Why?" She asked, shocked. "It's not like I tried to, it was an accident. I was trying to fix my dad's car." I said, playing with Sam's hair.

She let out a small yawn. "Wow." She said tiredly. "You tired, Sam?" I asked smirking at her. "No." She said with another yawn. "What makes you say that?" She closed her eyes for a short minute. "Well, yawning is a pretty good sign." She rolled her eyes tiredly and said "I have no clue what you're talking about, Daniel." She snuggled closer into my chest and started to fall asleep. I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her. Even when she sleeps she looks beautiful. I wish I could tell her I was half ghost. Hell, I wish I could tell her everything. I thought to myself as held her in my arms.

A little while later I fell asleep too. But I wished I just left then and there because what happened the next morning... almost made me regret that decision. Almost.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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