Erik's arms came from by his sides, to across my back as I put my head on his shoulder and inhaled his smell. We sat there for a while, shielding each other from all danger.

  "I won't let you get hurt again Erik. Never." I said, my voice muffled by his shoulder.

  "I'll do the same for you Charles. I'll be with you all the way."

  Something was happening. A feeling was stirring up inside me. It was a feeling I hadn't felt in a long, long time.

  "Erik, is there anyone watching? I need to do something. It might surprise you, it might scare you, it might make you love me or hate me."

  I felt my friend's head lift up slightly then come back down into my neck.

  "No, there isn't. Also, I could never hate you. It would be like throwing away a book you've been dying to read."

  I smiled and turn round just to make sure there weren't any people waiting outside the door and drew the curtains. I moved my head up so I was seeing eye to eye with Erik.

  I was feeling worried, brave, confused but I still went for it. I put my mouth against his and my hand on his cheek. At first I got no response, probably because there was just pure shock. After about ten seconds, Erik started to kiss me back, his arm coming higher up my back until it hooked round my shoulder and neck. His lips tasted of chapstick, with a few microscopic spots of blood, but I didn't care about the taste, the emotions that came flooding into me from him were indescribable. We heard the door being unlocked so we broke apart with happy smiles all over.

  "Alright guys. You can go when you're ready. I don't want to see you in a mess again Lehnsherr." Officer Johnson said playfully, shaking our hands and walking out.

  We sat in the car, me in the driver's seat and Erik sat in the passenger, took my right hand and held it tightly.

  "I've been waiting for this to happen for ages, you know Charles. I've hoped for it. You taught me how to do that again. I promise I'll hope forever." He said, his blue/green eyes filled with happiness and truth.

  "I should hope so. It'd break my heart if you stopped." I told him as I pulled up in the car park of a nice restaurant. "There's shirt for you and blazers for the both of us in the back so you don't have to sit in your bloodstained clothes while we eat and talk about what's going on."

  So as people were making their way into the restaurant from their cars, they saw Erik and I basically stripping in the car. I was cautious, making sure people didn't see too much of my half nakedness. Erik didn't care at all, he just went for it. Probably because the faster we got changed, the faster people would stop staring at us.

  "Done?" Erik asked me, opening the door and smoothly sliding out, bum first. I nodded and got out of my side.

  We walked side by side, like two government agents on an undercover mission.

  "Evening Gentlemen, do you have a reservation?" The hostess asked us with a incredibly clear New York accent.

  "Yes, we do, it's under Xavier." I said, secretly checking the time as she looked through the book.

  "Yep. You're on the list. Follow me to your table." She said, picking up two menus and putting them on a table with a unbelievably great window seat. "Here you are guys, a waiter will be here shortly."

  "Thank you." Erik said, smiling politely before sitting down. "This place is nice, Charles. We do need to talk about what went on earlier, we both know that."

  "I know we do, I just want to say I'm sorry and I'll help you pack up your stuff if you want me to. I don't know what came over me, but I just thought it was right."

  "Charles, it's fine. I'm not going anywhere. I kissed you back, didn't I? You're a smart man. If I'd have pulled away, we wouldn't be sat here right now. It was right, it felt like it was meant to happen. We are meant to live life together." Erik started, before leaning over and whispering, "I've loved you since we met in that old toy shop. Your pulse and pupils tell me that you feel the same way. I love you Charles Middle Name Xavier."

  I smiled a large smile and leant over slightly so we were in each other's eyeline.

  "I love you too, Erik Magnus German Surname." The waiter came as we sat down and declared us the finest pair of friends he had ever seen. I couldn't help but secretly agree with him.

Hello!! It's been so long and I am sorry! I was going to update my other story first but as I went to copy it from my story sorter app thing, I accidentally deleted it all. I was so annoyed, but then I had this to post. THEY FINALLY KISSED AND THEY LOVE EACH OTHER AND OMG THE FEELS.
  I put in the picture of Patrick and Ian because Cherik lived to an old age, from prison to prison, from good to evil and the song bc I love it and it's pretty damn good. FOUR is a good album anyway.
  Anyway, hope y'all had a nice month without any updates. I've missed you all.
  Til next time Troops! ~@lokiismyvillain

I'm Lucky To Have You (Cherik- Charles Xavier & Erik Lehsherr (AU)Where stories live. Discover now