Chapter One

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Raven had heard Tim talk about Damian all the time after they had met freshman year in college. Okay, so maybe talk wasn't exactly the right word. Bemoan was probably a better description of what Tim did, or at the very least, complain.

Not that she could blame Tim for being annoyed with his little brother. Tim's older brothers were fine, mostly mature adults with tilted senses of humor, but still polite nonetheless. Damian, however, seemed to be the black sheep of the whole family, and completely different from any of his other siblings. When she first met him, Damian had been just starting his 11th year at his high school - a glaring, sullen teen, made of mostly limbs, who threw up walls because they were easier than actually trying to build relationships. And, the few times Raven had met Damian since then, he'd barely lifted his head in acknowledgement, let alone offered any kind of greeting. He was serious to the point of being uncomfortable, and he practically glared daggers at her whenever Raven came over to visit. The one time she had stayed over for Christmas break, she thought Damian was plotting her demise he had glared at her so much.

Raven had gotten used to not knowing exactly who Damian was, despite Tim's consistent effort to complain about him.

But all of that was changing.

Very suddenly.

Raven swallowed as she stared at him from across the room, taking in the shape of him. It had to have been... four years since she last saw him? Maybe five. She wasn't exactly sure. Time felt muddled together, a mess of brief memories that all seemed to fade away into vague colors and thoughts when she looked at him. At first she wasn't even sure if it was him. He didn't look like the sullen teenager she'd met nearly nine years ago. He had grown so much taller, and he had filled out to the point where Raven wasn't sure if his shirt would hold together if Damian flexed any muscle at all. Buttons would fly across the room, that was for sure. Heart crawled up her neck and she stared shamelessly at him, taking in his deep green eyes and olive skin like it was the first time she was seeing him.

Damian adjusted the suit coat on his shoulders, before picking up a glass of what was probably very good scotch in his hand. He spoke briefly to a person next to him, his gaze intense and his mouth tilting down into a slight frown. Raven's tried to memorize the new angles and curves to his face. Even his lips had filled out, looking full and dangerously inviting. There was a new scar near his jaw, probably from a rugby accident in college, but it only served to make him look more imposing. He turned and caught her stare across the room, eyebrows lifting slightly as he recognized who she was. A moment passed as his gaze swept down the length of her, examining her with the same shameless curiosity she had towards him.

There was a long pause, as if the room had faded away and he was trying to weigh out whether or not he should talk to her. Finally, he took a step towards her and moved through the crowd.

Oh no.

Raven felt like she was about to panic, and her heart pounded out a wild rhythm as she saw him sidestep a group of people trying to get his attention. His eyes were honed in on her and her alone, and that was definitely not something she needed. She looked around her for someone she might try and cling to, just so she could avoid a conversation with him, but it was too late. Before she found an escape route, Damian stood in front of her, towering over her as he practically blocked out the light with the width of his shoulders. Raven swallowed and slowly tilted her head back to look into his eyes.

"D-damian. Wow... I... I haven't seen you in years." She offered him a small smile and took a half-step back, trying to put space between them. "How are you doing?"

"I hear you're going to be our new investigative accountant." His words were clipped, as if he wanted to get through the cordial part of the conversation before getting to the meat of something. He took a step forward and filled the space she had created. Raven could smell the scent of spice clinging to him, like cinnamon and cloves, and it made her mouth water. Which was so not what she needed right now.

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