Post Script: Honeymoon

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Sorry about the furnace and electricity. I needed to grab some parts from the next town over. I'll be back tomorrow morning, after the storm passes. I left you extra bundles of wood for a fire. You might want to sleep in the living room tonight.

Damian snarled as he stared at the note in front of him. No electricity. No heat. No running water. His stomach let out an annoyed growl and Raven stepped into the cabin, carrying their dinner, which consisted of now-cold fast food. He had planned for a chef to meet them at the mountain cabin, to cook them a five star meal, and then he would spend the rest of the evening feeding her expensive chocolate and making love to her.

Instead the chef backed out, citing fear from the weather. And the electricity was shot. And now they were going to be eating cold, greasy burgers while they sat on the floor.

Raven set down a gallon of water and stumbled through the space, precariously balancing her phone from her teeth, the flashlight app casting stark shadows into the room. She set the bag of food on an end table and turned to look at Damian.

"I take it the electricity hasn't been fixed?"

Damian snarled again, stalking to the impressive fireplace. "I'll start the fire."

"You know, the motel in town didn't look so bad." She was lying, of course. The place looked like it was currently hosting a rat consortium, and still advertised such luxury amenities as color TV . That was not where he wanted to spend the first night of his honeymoon. "I mean, we could probably make it back before the storm gets too bad... we would have to leave now though."

Damian, out of sheer stubbornness, reached for the box of fireplace matches and lit one up. The repairman at least did the courtesy of stuffing the fireplace with dry wood and paper. A bitter smoke rose from the wood for just a moment, before a few golden embers sparked along the wood. It crackled for a moment, and a flame flickered at the edge of the fire. He let go of another soft curse and stood up, walking to the master bedroom and grabbing the freshly laundered blankets and pillows from the bed. At least the cleaning service had been in here before the electricity had gone out, that was one small miracle.

"Let's just eat... whatever this is that passes dinner and try to keep warm." Damian fidgeted with the logs in the fire for a moment before looking back at Raven. "All the money in the world and I'm hampered by the weather ."

"And geography." Raven's voice was oddly cheerful. She pulled off her jacket and boots, leaving her in her thick leggings and sweater dress. "You know, I didn't need a big showy honeymoon." She pulled a fur throw blanket from the back of the sofa and sat down next to him. "We could have stayed home for two weeks and just fucked each other senseless."

He turned and looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "Yes, maybe. But at least now we can fuck in exotic locales."

She tipped her head to the side, pretending to think. "And you won't be distracted by work."

He snorted but said nothing, letting soft silence slide over them as he tended to the fire. Raven was right. He wouldn't be distracted by work at least. Out here, they barely had one bar of signal, just enough to get out a quick phone call or a text. They would be at each other's mercy for two weeks. Not that either of them minded all that much.

Raven reached over and tangled her fingers in the fibers of his sweater, pulling herself closer to him. "Have I ever told you..." She leaned over his shoulder and nibbled on his ear, her hand trailing down the front of his chest. "...that sometimes I fantasize about you going down on me next to a roaring fire?" She blew gently in his ear. "And then you take me hard from behind?"

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