Chapter XXI - Warehouse

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"Today is the day you'll investigate the warehouse." Jihyo said, "I won't be there with you but I'll monitor you." Jihyo added and three nodded.

"You'll be wearing this mask." Jihyo said as she throws three mask (same with the one Dahyun used in the concert chapter), "I don't want your identities to get revealed." Jihyo added.

"Goodluck." Jihyo stated and the three nodded.


"Momo, Come with me." Sana said as she looks at Momo, "We'll go to that old warehouse, Father left something that could expose us there." Sana added.

"Yes Ma'am." Momo replied and then bowed.



"Can you hear me?" Jihyo asked through the microphone which connects to the earpiece that the three are using, "Loud and Clear." The three replied in unison.

"Jihyo-ssi, we're about to reach our destination." Mina said while driving, "Goodluck and I recommend using code names when calling each other." Jihyo replied.


Mina parked the car far away from the warehouse, the three exited the car and then they scanned the surroundings, "Seems like we're the only people here." Dahyun said while looking at her surroundings, "Let's get moving." Mina stated and the two immediately obeyed.

They slowly approached the warehouse, "Yep, It's abandoned." Chaeyoung said while looking at the warehouse, "Don't lower your guard even if it's abandoned." Jihyo said with a little angry tone, "Y- Ye.." Chaeyoung replied.

They silently went inside, "We should separate." Mina said, "I'll check that office over there." Dahyun replied, "Be careful, Mighty Eagle." Chaeyoung said, "Mighty.. Really.." Dahyun sighed.

Dahyun's POV

I slowly approached the office's door and then I slowly opened the door, "There's no one in here.." I mumbled as I went inside.

"A picture frame.." I mumbled as I look at the picture frame in the table that is covered with dust, I reached for my napkin and wiped the dust off, "S- Sana.." I widened my eyes, "But.. Who's this kid beside here.." I mumbled, "She looks familiar..." I quietly said.

I placed the picture frame back to where I found it and then I searched the cabinet beside the table, "Folders.." I mumbled as I pick two dusty folders, I opened the folder revealing the information that we're looking for, "A Raccoon..?" I asked myself, "What's with their nicknames.." I said as I imagine facepalming myself.

"I should report this to them.." I mumbled as I close the folder, "Jihyo, Found something use-" I got cut off when someone shouted, "Who are you?!" I slowly turned around and saw a girl wearing a silver mask pointing her gun at me.

"Dahyun!" I heard Jihyo shouts, "Answer me! Who. Are. YOU!?" The girl shouted again as she slowly approach me still pointing a gun at me, I raised both my hands up and then I kicked her gun causing it to fly away (I BELIEVE I CAN FLY, Ye.. I'm corny..).

I kicked her left leg but she dodged it, "She's fast.." I mumbled as I step back, "I'm outta here." I said as I ran towards the door but she held my wrist and kicked me causing me to fall to the floor.

"Mina is coming there; She'll distract that someone you're fighting with." I heard Jihyo said, "You need to check the next office real quick." Jihyo added.

The girl picked her gun up and pointed it again at me, "Since you saw what's inside the folder, you must die." The girl said.

I saw Mina enter the office and then immediately pointed a gun at the girl who attacked me, "Eagle! Leave now." Mina shouted and I immediately ran towards the door and then went to the next office's door.

I slowly opened the door revealing a big office and a girl sitting in the chair with her back facing the door, "S- Sana.." I said as I slowly went inside.



Meanwhile, the girl wearing a silver mask and Mina is fighting; Mina was able to keep up with the girl's attacks.

Mina dodged the girl's attack and punched her really hard in the face causing the mask to fly away, "M- Momoring.." Mina said as she stumbles back.


"That freakin Chou Family!" Sana shouted as she throws the glass with wine inside into the wall causing Dahyun to get startled, Sana turned her chair around to face Dahyun and then she grabbed her gun.

"I don't have time to deal with you." Sana said while staring at Dahyun, "Since you know this place, I'll just kill you." Sana added as she points her gun to Dahyun.

"I can't search the other office; someone is here who seems to be the leader." I quietly said through my earpiece, "Seems like you're not alone." Sana said with a cold tone as she gets up and leaned her back in the table.

"Sana.." Dahyun said as she slowly approaches Sana, "You know me?" Sana asked while tilting her head, "If you take another step closer to me I'll put a bullet in your head." Sana said as she points her gun again at Dahyun.

"I'm sorry.." Dahyun mumbled as she kicks Sana which successfully landed, Sana sent a counterattack to Dahyun by punching Dahyun's stomach causing Dahyun to stumble back.

"You little piece of sh**!" Sana shouted as she points her gun at Dahyun.

Dahyun immediately got up and grabbed Sana's gun, "Get your hands off my gun!" Sana shouted as she tries to get Dahyun's grip off.


Momo kicked Mina in the stomach causing her to fall into the floor; Momo immediately ran towards the door and went to where Sana and Dahyun is currently at.

"Sa-tan!" Momo shouted as she points her gun at Dahyun.


"Sa-tan!" I heard a girl's voice shout followed by the sound of two gunshots.

I looked at my stomach and saw blood, I coughed and I felt my vision is getting blurry, "DAHYUN!" I heard Mina shout, "Da- Dahyun.." I heard Sana mumbled, "Boss, We need to leave!" A girl shouted and I saw her grab Sana's wrist but Sana resisted, "K- Kidnap her!" Was the last sentence I heard before I went unconscious.



"CHAEYOUNG! WHERE WERE YOU?!" I shouted at Chaeyoung who's about to cry, "JIHYO! It's not her fault!" Mina shouted back, "It's my fault!" Mina added, "I- I'm sorry.." Chaeyoung said with teary eyes.

"THEY FREAKIN KIDNAPPED DAHYUN!" I shouted at them, "I can't trace her.. They removed the tracker I placed in her pocket." I said as I punch the table, "Jihyo.. I'm sorry.." I heard Chaeyoung nervously said, "Where were you?" I asked her and sighed, "I.. I was in the other side of the warehouse.." Chaeyoung answered my question.

"You two take a rest, I'll try to trace Dahyun's phone.." I said to them, "B- But Jihyo.." Mina insisted, "Ugh.. Will you just go and take a rest?" I said and sighed.


"She's losing a lot of blood.. Why are even kidnapping her?" Momo asked, "Just. Obey me.. Put her in my room and treat her wound." Sana said angrily, "Y- Yes.. Boss." Momo replied while focusing on the road.

How I wish I could write it much better but my English sucks.. so.. ye.. xD

- M

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