Chapter VI - She's back

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3rd Person's POV

"Bro, You okay?" Chaeyoung asked as she look at Dahyun who's clearly not in mood, "ye.. ye.. I'm fine.." Dahyun mumbled, "Guess what." Chaeyoung shouted, "Someone will join us on this mission." She added, "Who?" Dahyun asked while looking at Chaeyoung whose clearly excited, "I don't know." Chaeyoung replied and chuckled.

"I'm gonna search for more information about the Minatozaki" Chaeyoung said as she sat down on her chair, "Nothing new?" Dahyun asked as she look at Chaeyoung who's busy with her computer, "Nope.." Chaeyoung replied without averting her gaze from her computer.

A few minutes later, Jihyo entered the room, "So, Your new member will be.." Jihyo said as she look at the door, "Come in." Jihyo said.

A girl with black hair entered the room, "MINA?!" Dahyun and Chaeyoung shouted in unison, "JIHYO!.." Chaeyoung shouted as she turn her gaze to Jihyo who's laughing, Chaeyoung then ran towards Mina and hugged her, "Ya! Why didn't you tell me you're coming back.." Chaeyoung said as she playfully slap Mina's shoulder causing Mina to laugh.

"Dub, Come here." Mina said as she motion Dahyun to hug her, Dahyun walked towards Mina and hugged her, "I miss you Pingu!" Dahyun said.

Jihyo faked a cough causing the three of them to avert their gazes to Jihyo, "I'll leave now since I still have something to do." Jihyo said as she started to walk towards the door but Mina stopped her by grabbing her wrist, "Jihyo, Don't act like we're not friends, Come here." Mina said as she pulled Jihyo into a hug.

"Okay, Back to work people." Jihyo said and chuckled, They all sat down on their chairs and Jihyo left and went to her office.

"Minatozaki..." Mina mumbled loudly, "I killed their previous boss, I guess someone inherited his position." Mina said as she looks at the paper that she found on her table, "But who.." Mina said as she puts down the papers in the table.

"Dub, Mina! Someone reported that they heard a gunshot near a abandoned warehouse. It might be the minatozaki!" Chaeyoung shouted as she stand up and grabbed her coat, Dahyun and Mina did the same and left.

"We're suppose to investigate not fight.." Chaeyoung mumbled loudly inside the car, "Don't worry, I'm here." Mina said while driving.

They arrived at the abandoned warehouse and silently sneaked inside, "Let's separate, Didn't expect this place to have 3 warehouse." Mina said as she went to the first one, Chaeyoung went to the second one and Dahyun went to the last one.

Dahyun slowly sneaked inside while holding her gun, "Mina better treat me to dinner!" Dahyun shouted inside her thoughts.

She scanned the whole place while on guard, "Stop right there." A unknown girl said, "Show yourself!" Dahyun nervously shouted while pointing her gun to where the sound came from.

"Jeez, Stop disturbing me." The unknown girl whose clearly annoyed replied, Dahyun heard suppressed gun shot from where the sound came from, The unknown girl showed herself revealing a very familiar person to Dahyun, "SANA?!" Dahyun quietly shouted, "Oh Hey!" Sana replied while waving.

"Wh- What did you do?!" Dahyun nervously asked, "Oh I punished someone who did something bad to someone special to me." Sana replied while cleaning her hand which is full of blood.

"Oh, You wore the coat I bought for you." Sana said as she pointed to Dahyun's coat with her gun, "You look good in that." Sana said as she slowly approach Dahyun, "St- Sto- Stop right there." Dahyun nervously shouted as she pointed her gun to Sana.

Sana stopped approaching Dahyun and went back to the room where Dahyun heard the gun shot, She dragged a chair with a unconscious girl sitting in it, "Ryu- Ryujin!" Dahyun shouted as she saw the girl, "Correct, one point for that." Sana said as she patted Ryujin's head with her gun.

"Wh- What did you do to her?!" Dahyun asked as she fell into her knees, "Oh, I just punished her a little." Sana said while smirking, "Yo- You freakin tortured her!" Dahyun shouted.

"She bullied you Dahyun and you still care for her." Sana shouted, "It was a long time ago!" Dahyun shouted, "Whatever." Sana replied while kicking the chair making Ryujin fall.

"Dahyun, First and second warehouse is clear, What's your situation in there?" Mina asked through her in-ear, "Dahyun!" Mina shouted making Dahyun go back to her senses.

"All clear, But a civilian is here, Unconcious." Dahyun replied as she throw her in-ear to the ground, "Sana.. Leave this place now!" Dahyun shouted as she stand up and approached Sana.

"LEAVE!" Dahyun said as she pushed Sana causing Sana to be shocked, "They're gonna arrive here any moments soon, LEAVE!" Dahyun said and is about to cry.

"Fine. Whatever." Sana replied and ran to the exit in the back door.



"Dahyun!" Mina shouted as she pushed the front door open, "You okay?" Mina asked and Dahyun nodded as a answer, "Why is your earpiece In the floor?" Chaeyoung asked as she pick Dahyun's earpiece, "Oh, I guess it fell.." Dahyun said obviously lying, "Oh.. Okay." Chaeyoung said as she gave Dahyun her earpiece.

Mina ran towards the unconscious girl and checked her pulse, "She's still alive, Call the ambulance and the police, Chae." Mina said and Chaeyoung immediately called the ambulance and police.

TIMESKIP : Back in our little detective's office.

"I'll treat you guys to dinner, Because I'm hungry." Mina said as she stand up and grabbed her coat and wallet, "Was waiting for you to say that." Chaeyoung replied and chuckled, The three of them went to a nearby restaurant to eat.

Sana's POV | Somewhere in their hidden bases

"F*CK!" Sana shouted as she slammed her hands into the table, "I WASN'T ABLE TO KILL THAT FREAKIN RYUJIN!" Sana shouted making Momo enter Sana's room, "Want me to finish her off?" Momo asked, "Y- I mean.. Just leave her alone, Leave me alone for now Momo." Sana said as she sat down in her chair.

Momo obeyed and bowed 90 degree before leaving Sana's office, Sana sighed after Momo left her office.

"So.. That's the Mina you're talking about, Little Dubu" Sana mumbled as she stare at her ceiling, "That Mina girl, She really cares about you.." Sana said as she grab her gun and aimed at her ceiling, "And she's always close with you all the time!" Sana shouted.


[SAIDA] Broken Promiseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें