Then, the balloon began to slip right out of my hands. I gasped, trying to reach it but it was too late. I didn't catch it as it floats upwards towards the skies. If I lose it, I'll never find a lover in time or I'll be heartbroken. But it's okay...the balloon had a letter to deliver alright.

I should just turn around and go home. I poked my food with my fork before I pushed it away gently, tears started to form in the corner of my eyes. I didn't feel hungry at all. I lost my appetite...I became worried if the letter haven't got a reply yet. I sighed desperately.

I put the food inside the refrigerator after I walked towards my bedroom, snuggled under the covers, admiring the softness of my blankets. I just have to wait and tomorrow my balloon will come back if I found my lover.

I yawned in exhaustion. My eyes are growing heavy and foggy from tears. I glanced at the window for a short moment and then, I slowly drifted off to sleep. I didn't notice there's someone is watching me from afar.

*~Meanwhile in somewhere~*

Link's POV

He was at the royal palace gardens, plucking every petal of a flower one by one as he says 'she loves me, she loves me not'. With that last petal, he then says 'SHE LOVES ME!', a happy smile graced upon his lips. He sighed dreamily.

He was dressed in a Greek god-like attire that reached to his ankles, half-naked and exposed to see his bare chest. A triangle medallion attached to the strap of his shoulder. A golden crown on top of his head which resemble of elves.

He admired the scent of roses, savoring its wonderful fragrant smell. He smiled enchantedly. He could feel the cool wind blew around him. He closed his eyes and a peaceful smile as he spread his arms in an effeminate way. Opening his large wings widely, shining brightly in the sun.

But when he opened his eyes, he then saw a floating object that suddenly appeared in the sky. It swayed by the breeze as it floated towards his direction and it slowly landed on a tree branch. He picked it up gently, revealing a red heart-shaped balloon with a letter tied to a string. He tilted his head cutely.

'Where did you come from, little one?', he thought in curiousity.

He held the letter in his hands as he take one smell to it. A sweet scent of perfume, belonged to a lady. He sees a kiss mark pasted on the invitation. He sits on the bench by the fountain as he began to read the letter. It had a name written on it; (Y/N)....and also, a Valentine. He smiles charmingly.

'So the girl is named (Y/N) lovely. I have got to meet her', he thought again.

He swirled his free hand in a circular motion, forming a crystal orb and showing images of (Y/N) who came from the outside world. He smiled once more, watching her sleep on her bed. He felt this urge to meet her. The way she wore her red dress, it made his heart skip a beat, cheeks kissed with a pink blush.

He knew he have to return the balloon to her, and so as her letter. With that, he wrote a message and put it inside the invitation as a reply in return. Also, he added a final touch of magical scented musk, woody and oriental.

Then, he let the balloon go, gently as the wind carries it away with the letter and flew towards the skies. He blushed at the thought of (Y/N) clouded in his mind. Nighttime has arrived, shirtless in bed. He flipped himself sidewards, smiling widely of a girl who wants to court him. He is in LOVE.... 💓💓💓

"Oh, (Y/N)...", he repeated the sound of her name laced with seduction.

"Tomorrow, I will love you and spend time with you for the rest of my life. So beautiful....a forbidden love story of romantic. I will get to meet you......I promise."

My Guardian Angel (Angel!Link x Religious!Reader Oneshots) PART 2Where stories live. Discover now