tuesday, sept. 26 @ 7:59 pm.

3.9K 285 43

tae: i'm coming over

gguk: no, i have someone over

tae: do i really give a fuck
you're ignoring all my messages
you ignored me at school
what the fuck is your problem

gguk: there's no problem taehyung
i'm literally just giving you space
you're being so fucking dramatic

tae: wdym i'm dramatic??
jeongguk you're seriously
sounding like you're jealous or
something and you know that
you shouldn't be fucking
feeling that way or
whatever you're feeling rn
i DO NOT need space
talk to me and tell me
what is the problem
what's up
why are you ignoring me
like a pussy ass bitch
this is so not like you


tae: fuck no
what's wrong, kook?
this is totally not like you
to act this way
you're acting like an asshole


gguk: no im not
just leave me alone taehyung
i have someone over rn


tae: no
you're the one texting back
i won't leave you alone
who do you have over?


gguk: nobody you need to know

tae: jeongguk
talk to me
what is wrong
i'm honestly so worried
did something happen
at your dad's?
or something?


gguk: no
im ok
i just wanna be left alone

tae: like that's happening

gguk: you're so annoying

tae: you know it hun
i love you ok
can i call you
just tell me please
what's going on
what is wrong?

gguk: i don't like that you're
hanging out with jin
so much ok
and i hate how
you do the things
we do together
with him
now leave me alone

tae: i'm on my way

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