chapter 4

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"Erin, Speak to us do we have Jason in custody?" Riley asked

"No, He took off."

"Where Is Nick?"

"He was with Burges and Atwater. They said he took off."

"I'm okay this stupid costume saved my life." Erin said getting up

"Yeah I'm going to go change mark my words this will never happenen again " Riley said as she and Erin left they changed in the washroom

"Hi ladies too bad you weren't hit."

"What do you want you creep and why did you leave your post?"

"I couldn't let my fellow furries be hurt now could I"

"Wait your a furry?" Erin asked

"No, I didn't say that."

"Whatever." Erin said as they walked back to the rest of the team with Nick behind them

"Hey Voight do you need another person to wear a furry costume?"

"What's with you and the furry thing it's like your drooling." Antonio joked

"He is a furry." Riley whispered

"That explains it all." Jay whispered back

They got back to the station Nick decided to ask again

"So I could go to this furry thing and try to talk to him." Nick said down playing his excitement

"No, the furry thing didn't work. Someone inside tipped him off.

"Was it another fur thing?" Al asked

"They are furries. The furry fandom is a subculture interested in anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics. Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, speaking, walking on two legs, and wearing clothes." Nick explained very giddy he gave a sheepish smile pretending to be embarrassed he replied," uh I read it on line to know more about the furry things."

"Watch it or you will be exposed Mr. parrot." Erin whispered

"He was the rat?" Riley asked

Erin nodded

"Yeah I looked into it. We have a big problem I asked Platt to look into things more."

"Tell the team."

"Okay so I have some news On Jason. okay so I asked Trudy to look into him and she just texted me she found some information. she is on her way up now." Erin replied

"What do you have Trudy?" Hank asked

"Okay Jason was a former cop. He isn't now he was a cop up until last year but it is unknown why he left the force he could be undercover. We aren't sure but he was tipped off about the arrest. We were told it was a person in a parrot costume. We are looking into it." Trudy replied

"Where did Nick go?" Hank asked

"Hey boss you might want to come down and see this." Came Nick's voice

"All of you stay here Al lets go." Hank said walking down the steps

"Nick is the parrot he is going to try and frame someone. Now is the time we need to stick together." Riley replied

"We have a problem." Adam said looking at his phone

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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