Yoon bum x chubby badass reader

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A/n:hey there my gorgeous people this is my first fic I couldn't help but to write my little Cinnamon roll he needs to be protected and loved and also there's not enough yoon bum fanfiction out there

Edit a/n; I forgot to mention that this takes place months after he confronted his first crush and revealed everyone her secret if you haven't read the manga I suggest you do to get this story.

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Country name=(C/n)


No one's pov:

It was a normal school day for Yoon bum, well if you called being bullied and outcast by the whole school normal.
There has been a rumour going around that there's a new transfer student from (C/n) coming to yoon bum's highschool, everyone's excited, trying to guess what the mystery student might look like.
The gossips are mostly about, for example:"are they a girl", "hopefully it's a guy", "what are they like" etc,.

Yoon bum's pov:

I was sitting at the back of the classroom listening in on a bunch of my classmates, it also got me wondering about them, on one hand, part of me think's it's gonna be another stuck up kid that act's like they are above everyone else or in short terms, another bully.
But there is that slither of hope that they be a potential friend, someone who will stick up for me, to treat me like I'm an human being, someone who will take me away from this life I call hell, but one can only dream.

~~a tiny time skip a few min after the bell~~

No one's pov:

After the bell rang; the class settled down, even though some of them were excited that they can't wait to see the new transfer. Our teacher Mr Jeong was in the doorway it look like he's talking to someone outside, then he walked in the centre of class,

"Alright class settle down, I know you're all excited to met our new student, so I'll just let her in here and introduce herself to you all", he finished and prompt her in.

Yoon bum's pov:

When I'd laid my eyes on her my jaw dropped and my heart skipped a beat , it felt like everything went in slow motion,
The new girl is absolutely breathtaking with her silky (h/l) (h/c) hair, to her bright (e/c) eyes, that she could kill someone with just one look,
oh and don't get me started on her body, her (s/c) plump body that looks soft to touch, she's got curves in all the right places, her outfit does her justice and makes her look intimidating.

Pick which outfit:

Outfit 1

Outfit 1

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