Chapter 21- We Won

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Warnings: Very Emotional.

2023, Destroyed Avengers Compound, Age 15.

Cassie's POV:

After Stark snapped his fingers, Thanos' entire army began disappearing into dust. I walked to Peter, who was happy that I was okay, before we went to try and find Stark. When Peter and I both landed where he was, we saw Rhodey and Ms Potts, crouched next to Stark, who's entire right side was burnt up.

"No... no no no no." I mumbled as Peter and I got closer.

"Mr Stark? It's me, Peter." Peter said as he first ran up to Stark. "Hey, we won. We did it. You did it Mr Stark."

I could hear him breaking down as I too approached him.

"Tony, please. Don't go.." I mumbled, tears running down my face.

Desperate, I attempted to use my powers to heal him, but the injuries were so bad and burnt up, nothing worked.

"No.. please. Don't go Stark. Please." I pleaded once more.

I moved aside along with Peter as Ms Potts crouched down in front of Stark.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y?" She asked.

"Life functions critical." The A.I informed.

"Tony, look at me." Ms Potts asked.

Tony, barely able to do anything, managed to turn his head to Ms Potts.

"We're going to be okay. You can rest now." She said.

Stark's arc reactor then turned off, he was now gone. Another parental figure, gone. Tears fell down my face, me now really crying.

Peter and I returned to school the next day and Peter saw Ned down the hall. I turned around, and saw MJ. I walked up to her and we did our own handshake, before hugging each other.


Stark Cabin.

A few days had gone by and I, along with Peter, was at the Stark cabin, for Stark's funeral. Not really wanting to go buy a long-sleeved dress, I went with the only black dress I happened to have; a knee length, short-sleeved, black dress. I looked down at my dress, glancing over and over again at my left wrist, where my marking was. Peter, who was wearing a tuxedo, came behind me.

"Hey.." I said, trying not to burst into tears.

"Hey Cassie." Peter said.

I looked back down at my wrist, then back at Peter. I shivered a little, feeling cold; I wasn't used to wearing anything short-sleeved, anywhere. I looked up at Peter, who was also looking down at my wrist, probably knowing how much I hate the marking, and brought my arm to my chest so no one else could see it. Peter walked a little closer and grabbed my closed fist, turning my arm around, before smiling. He let go of my wrist and he wrapped him arms around me. I tilted my head and wrapped my right arm around him, smiling before he let go. I lined up in front of the lake and Ms Potts along with her daughter Morgan, places a wreath thing with an old arc reactor thing in it. At the funeral, Steve, Thor, Dr Strange, Alexis and her friends, Black Panther, Carol, and even both Alana and Dustin were all there. Peter's aunt also came, and had given me a ride here, which wasn't a problem because she knew my secret.

After the funeral, I was standing in front of the same lake, staring out into the distance, when someone tapped my shoulder behind me. I turned around, thinking it was either Peter, or even Alexis, but to my surprise, it was Alana. I turned away, staring down into the water.

"I know that I'm the last person you want to talk to right now..." Alana said.

I continued to kind of ignore her, but she wasn't wrong. I didn't bother trying to make eye contact with Alana.

"But I want to apologize." She finished her sentence.

I turned to her, confused, and trying to process what she had said. She wanted to apologize?

"For what?" I asked her.

"Everything." Alana answered.

She looked back at me.

"This whole ordeal made me realize that everything I put you and your sister through... isn't at all heroic." She explained.

I looked at her, unsure if she was being serious.

"Everyone at home sees me as a hero because I tried to kill you after the incident... but I'm no hero. I'm a threat, to you, to your friends, to your sister." She continued.

"How do I know you're being serious about all of this?" I asked, interrupting her.

"I already apologized to Alexis for everything I put her through. I shouldn't have done what I did." Alana answered, regret definitely in her voice.

"You... apologized.. to my sister?" I asked.

"How the heck else was I supposed to apologize to you when you were dusted Cassie?" Alana asked me.

"Fair point." I muttered, lifting my shoulders.

My phone buzzed. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Peter, who was waiting for me with his aunt. Alana looked at my phone.

"Why are you apologizing to me now?" I asked Alana, still looking down at my phone.

"Because before, I never realized that what I was doing was wrong, that I was hurting people... and I didn't realize how it felt to lose the ones you loved." She explained.

I looked up at her confused.

"I thought my boyfriend was gone forever Cassie. Your sister thought that you, and her friends were gone forever. But then, Alexis and I teamed up one time and we fixed everything. If they hadn't stopped me, I would have snapped my fingers." She continued some more.

I looked down.

"I... don't understand..." I mumbled before my phone buzzed again.

"What I'm trying to say is that.. I don't want to go out of my way to ruin your life anymore. I was wrong about you; you're a good person Cassie." Alana clarified. "I don't expect you to forgive me... but I'm sorry."

I looked down at the second text from Peter. I texted him to give me another minute and turned back to Alana.

"You can go now. I'm not forcing you to stay." Alana reassured.

I started walking away, processing everything Alana had just said to me.

"If there's ever a circumstance where we have to work together again, I'm willing to work with you." Alana finished.

I turned back to her and wrapped my arms around her. She was obviously shocked, but hugged me back.

"I'm sorry. For everything." She apologized again. "And I really mean it."

I smiled before letting go of her and walking away. I turned back to her, and she waved; a short wave. I waved back before getting to Peter.

"Everything okay?" Peter asked me.

"Yeah." I said, not telling him about my conversation with Alana.

We returned home to Queens after a long drive, which was mostly silent and I entered my house. I changed back into a hoodie and capris and laid down on my couch, putting my phone on the coffee table and drifting off to sleep.

A/N: Holy frick I just realized... Stark's funeral is the first time in 14 years (counting the five years she was dusted) that Cassie was wearing something short-sleeved without covering her wrist.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was so emotional but it had to be done.

A/N: I never thought that this Thanos ordeal would change Alana's character so much.

A/N: Thanks for reading, I'm going to be writing one more chapter after this, and I'm sorry if I made you cry, but stick around for the next chapter. Bye bye!

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