I could feel my heart rate pick up as I got closer to him. I looked over to my left and saw Tim and his mate Clara holding the girls. They were adorable in their matching bright yellow dresses. Silvia was asleep and Sophia was wide awake and cooing. I smiled at them and mouth ‘thank you’ to Tim and Clara.

I brought my attention back to Nate who was still smiling as I approached him. Alpha Parker was officiating the wedding. He agreed to mix in some traditional wedding with the werewolf bonding wedding, seeing as how there are some humans here that don’t know what we are.

“Who gives this bride away today?” Alpha Parker asked.

My father stepped forward. “I, her father does.” He gave me a kiss on my cheek after lifting my veil.

“I love you daddy.”

“I love you too baby girl.” He said as he gave my shaking hands another squeeze. He gave me a wink and turned to Nate. “Be good to her Nate.”

“Oh I plan on it.” Nate responded back. He kept his eyes glued on me as I stepped in front of him. “You look beautiful Blue.” He whispered.

“You look so handsome Nate, let’s make this fast.” I said with a small smirk on my face.

Someone cleared their throat and we both looked at Alpha Parker.

‘Sorry’ I mouthed to him as I blushed.

Everyone took their seats again before Alpha started.

“We come together tonight to celebrate the union of Blue and Nate in marriage. This has been a bumpy and hard road and today almost did not happen due to tragedies. But, we are here and happy to be.”

I looked up into Nate’s eyes and they were sparkling. The way that the moon was reflecting off them made them seem so bright. I got lost in them and was not listening to what Alpha Parker was saying.

“Blue?” I heard my name being called.

“Sorry, what?” I shook my head slightly to come out of my daze.

I heard a few chuckles from everyone. “I was asking if you had Nate’s ring.”

“Oh, oh yeah.” Megan was holding it, so I turned to her. It was a thick platinum band with a swirling tribal symbol around it.

“Nate and Blue have written their own vows.” I heard Alpha say and I took that as my cue to take Nate’s left hand.

Clearing my throat, I began. “Nate, with this ring, I have you as my husband and my mate. You have seen me at my worst and you have seen me at my best. You took me in when I had no home and nursed me back to health. You didn’t have to take on the title of ‘dad’ to Silvia and Sophia, but you did and are the only man I want raising those girls. I love you more than anyone could possibly love someone. Will you accept me as your wife and mate?” I know that the humans would find the ceremony a little different, but the werewolves would see nothing off about it.

“I will forever.” Nate replied as I slipped the ring on his finger. He then turned to Brody who handed him my ring.

He took a deep breath. “Blue, with this ring I take you as my wife and mate. From the moment I found you, I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with you. I watched you heal both physically and emotionally as you got stronger, and every day I fell in love with you more. I gladly take on the role of ‘dad’ to our daughters as I am their father, maybe not by blood, but by spirit and love. You are my best friend Blue, will you accept me as you husband and mate?”

I was smiling so hard that my cheeks hurt. “I will forever” I answered as Nate slipped the beautiful platinum band onto my finger that fit perfectly with the engagement ring.

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