Thank god I have a fast metabolism so I can as much as I want and not get fat. "Hey I"m Pansy, Welcome to Slytherin," Some chick that looked like she had a pug face said. But seriously she has to disturb me when I'm eating. Isn't obvious that I wanted to be left alone by sitting where there is no one around. Ugh! F#ck my life up the @sshole. I look up from myover piled plate and give her the look that seems to say 'Really B!tch, Really' with my one eyebrow raised.

I take a good look at her. Her smile is forced, and her eyes show disgust while looking at me. "Sup I'm Gianna," I smirk evilly at her. "You're an american?" Pansy asks with distaste.

"Hell yeah! And if you have a problem with that you can take your pug-like face of yours and shove it up your @ss," I smile threateningly. I think a Gryfindor boy with black hair, Ozzy type vision glasses, brown eyes, and a scar that looks similar to a lightning bolt on his forehead walks past me and laughs at my comment. "Why you little b!tch," she screeched and lounged at me with her arm out as if she could harm me I'm to skilled.

I laugh and grab her arm and twist it behind her back where it's close to dislocating her shoulder all in a swift movement. "Let's get this straight you filthy sl#t," I sneer, "You mess with me I'll be your worst mother f#cking nightmare." I can feel her shaking in fear and also from how much the temperature dropped in the room from my anger. I push her away from me and she runs out of the hall like squeeling pig tryimg to escape the butcher trying to kill it. I go and throw away my food and skip out the door towards Dumbledore's office in a better mood that, that sk@nk was out of my hair for now.

I walk into Dumbledore's office and the first thing I see is his Pheonix and Alectra flying around the room chasing each other. He must of picked her up when he left dining hall place. "I was wondering if you wanted to pretend to be a mudblood so to speak or let everyone know your a pureblood?" Albus questioned. "Albus I'd rather pretend to be a mudblood because I'd rather not associate with muggle haters and want people to befriend me because they like me instead of my blood lineage," I reply. God I hate purebloods that think only pureblooded wizards could be wizards. It disgusts me especially since I'm related to a person who hates all mudbloods, muggles, and halfbloods.

"I have a question," the professor slash headmaster said, "Is it true that you are the leader?" I roll my eyes of course he would ask that there hasn't been a leader since Tom Riddle changed his name to Lord Voldemort. I nod my head. He is silent for a while pondering on what to say next I presume. "Well you better get going its almost past curfew and try to stay out of trouble," Dumbledore groaned. I nodded and walked out of his office with Alectra following me.

I walked around aimlessly till I found the entrance to the Slytherin common rooms. I muttered the password and walked in and went to the door that had a staircase leading downward. At the bottom of the stairs was yet another door with my father's family's 'coat of  arms'so to say kinda thing. Well that's what the muggles or shall I say normal people would call it. The 'coat of arms' was a snake wrapping around a sword and the head which was above the handle about to eat a skull. It was kinda cool looking if you ask me, but then again I'm not a normal person. I opened the door and Alectra flew in almost imediately. I walked in slowly and when I looked around the room looked beautiful with all the green and silver. The curtains that hung in the room were green, but had the coat of arms in silver. The sheets on my bed had green and silver snakes all over it. The furniture was made out of wood, but the color was black. The floor was a cool metal which is fine with me. I take out my trunk resize it back to normal size and waved my hand and all my stuff in my suitcase went into dressers as my suitcase went underneath my bed. I plopped on my bed turnt on my iPod and made it play lullabies so I won't have a hard time falling asleep.

~Draco's Point of View~

I sat in my ussual spot in the library by the window thinking to myself on how much better my life could be if I hadn't sided with Voldemort. Damn I made a stupid descision even if it was to please my father, but he'll never be pleased with me no matter what I do. Whatever at least I'm at Hogwarts for most of the year so I don't have to see to much of him. It's also good that Potter killed Voldemort so I don't have to deal with all that pain and torture.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 12, 2012 ⏰

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