Chapter 20- 'True Family' (Finale!!)

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"Hey daddy, can I go play with those other kids?" A young version of me asked, pointing at three boys.

"No, they look bad. That boy right there is smoking! Don't hang around with bad people that do drugs and smoke, you could turn into a bad person aswell." My dad answered.

The young me looked at the three boys that were probably a few years older then me, and thought they were super cool, and didn't understand why (I) couldn't play with them.

"But they look so cool! They all have cool ripped pants and a collar thingy on their ankle!" I exclaimed.

"That collar thingy is a tracker. That's for bad people. Now we should leave the park, there doesn't seem to be any kids you're age." My dad insisted, and grabbed my hand.

'It's not fair!' The young me thought. 'I don't have any friends and I'm in seventh grade!' As the little me thought that, she saw a blonde girl trying to hit the boys with sticks, and ended up scratching one of them. 

"You little shit! Get your ass over hear!!" The boys yelled, one holding a razor blade.

"Shit!" The blonde girl yelled, as she ran off.

'Woah.. she's so cool'

Oh. I remember this now. This is the day I met Toga!

Later that night, little (y/n) heard her parents arguing about (y/n) admiring bad kids, and how she might turn into one.

She heard a knock on her window. It was the blonde girl from the park!

Young (y/n) opened it.

"Who are you?" She asked, frightened, but also excited.

"My name's Toga. I saw you at the park today. I was going to talk to you but I got into some trouble, and before I realized it, you left."

"Oh, I remember you. My name's (Y/n)! My dad made me leave the park because I thought some 'bad kids' looked cool"little (Y/n) smiled.

"Well that's fucking stupid. Here, have my number. I know some really cool people you should meet" she handed (y/n) a paper.

"(Y/N)!! WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO???" My dad yelled.

"Uhm... no one! I'm just playing with dolls!" Young (y/n) yelled back.

"Well I guess I should go. Talk to you later?" Toga asked.



Flashback over

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" I heard someone ask.

I tried opening my eyes. It was my girlfriend. It was Toga. I'm safe. Well that's what I thought until I looked around. I was in a familiar room, and I saw two very scared parents.

"Shit." I said out loud. I must of blacked out when I got to my parents house. Now, I was in my old family room. Hopefully, Toga and my parents haven't talked yet. 

I sat up and looked at my parents shyly. "Hi mom and dad.." 

They both immediately ran over to give me a hug, and bombarded me with questions.

"(Y/n) what are you doing here?! I thought you were dead! Why is Toga here?? We missed you" They ended up saying a lot more than that, but those were the only things I could really understand sense they were talking so fast and so much.

"Uhm.. I ran away from home.. I live somewhere, go to school, and I.. I have a girlfriend. I'm okay.. I just thought I needed to show you I was still alive.." 

"Do you live with someone?" My mom asked, trying to calm down.

Should I tell them I'm part of the League of Villians? No.. not now..

"Yeah, I live with an organization that houses people that have run away. I can't tell you the name, or I could be sued, but I live a pretty stable life..."

"What school do you go to??" My dad asked.

"I used to do online school, now I go to UA" I smiled.

"Did you hear that??? Our daughter attends UA!!!" My dad exclaimed to my mom.

"That's amazing sweetie.. but I need to ask you something. Why are you hear? Do you need something? A different place to live, money, something??" My mom asked.

"No, actually, this is probably the most stable point in my life right now. That's why I thought I was best for me to come over. To show you guys that I'm alive, and I'm doing well." I looked at Toga, and grabbed her hand. "Toga has been the best girlfriend I could have ever asked for, and she's making my life way better too. So I thought I could add you guys to my true, happy family too." I smiled.

Everyone went quiet for a few minutes, until my dad said something.

"So you're gay?! I never would of thought. I mean, I support you, but it is a surprise to me!" He exclaimed.

We all laughed.

"I'm (your sexuality), so yeah, I think girls are pretty hot"

We all laughed again.

"So.. I was hoping.. can we somehow.. become a family again?" I asked.

"Yes!" My parents yelled.

Toga and I hugged each other tightly.

"Welcome back" my mom smiled.

The End.


Hi! Thank you so much for reading the entire book! It was super fun and the support I got made me extremely happy!! I'm sorry that I went on a break for a really long time, I just didn't know how to end it! If you want to read any other books of mine, I have a Bakugo x Fem! Reader in the making. I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I did. 

Love, the author.

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