The Day He Found Me

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Hello! If you are reading this, i love you. please enjoy if people start to read and give good feedback ill continue this story. sorry if you find it a wee bit short :P




 Chapter One: 

I remember the day when they found me. I was only seven but i remember that horrible night, the screams, the crying, and worst of all the silence that hung heavy on my shoulders when the car pulled away from my burning home as they gagged me and bound my hands.

The last face i saw that was even similar to mine was when Chad was living here. The day i came here i met the strange, stragely teenager that would become my mate in a matter of years. Chad always smiled at me when i spoke, even if it were a short mumble, because i was told not to speak by my owners or they would cut out my tongue with the knife the stabbed my dad with. One of my owners had an assistant who sympathized me becuase i was so weak when i first came to this empty quiet place. She would sneak me some extra food every now and then and then she was caught once by a janitor who ratted her out for a mere twenty extra bucks to his pay cheque. They tormented her for a week until they got bored and just gutted her like a fish. I remember crying because she was like a second mother, who i had also lost the the ignorant retched people holding me captive.

Over time i became less sympathetic towards everything. The hole that had been ripped in my heart by the first deaths because of me caused it, and over time it grew from other disasters that happened because of me leaving just broken pieces that would never be stitched back together.

Now i am all alone in this god forsaken room that only has a cot, sink, toilet, and blankets for when it is especially cold with no one to get through this with me. I only eat twice a day which is good considering  i went almost a week without a year ago. They let me write a list of things i want every three months and will give me three out of hundreds i come up with in between each time they send anything in this place.

Angela, one of my masters assistants opens the door with a frown on, it must be noon. "Eve, you must be starving." she says as she takes my head in her hands and rubs my cheek with her thumb. I only nod because i know the cameras are watching. I stand up slowly and walk towards the door where Angela places cuffs on my wrists and escourts me down the narrow, dark hallway.

There is one small window that is covered by an old curtain that i discovered when i was ten. There was only forest and a few sets of feet walking by. I only had moments to look becuase a guard had tackled me away braking my leg in the process. 

Being pulled out of my trance, Angela says "Eve, meet Phil." i look up and only see a shadow then Angela is on the floor unconsious. "Lets go Eve." Phil looks at me with his familiar blue eyes and yanks my arm toward the door i had just come through with terrifying force. "What the hell do you think your doing!?" i try to scream at him but it only comes out as a whisper because i havent talked since Chad left. "I'm getting you the hell out of here." Phil says as he walks through some random door right into a man with a tazor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2012 ⏰

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