Chapter 20- The Final Battle

Start from the beginning

"I... what? Wait... wha.. how.. what??" Alexis asked, extremely confused.

Alana's POV:

Clint and I ran out, Clint still holding the stones.

"Cap, what do you want us to do with these stones?" Clint asked through his comm.

"Get them as far away as possible." Steve answered.

"No. We need to get them back where they came from!" Bruce exclaimed.

"No way to get them back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel." Tony said.

"Wait. That wasn't our only time machine!" Scott exclaimed.

A tune then started playing, and we all looked around.

"Anyone see an ugly brown van?" Steve asked everyone.

"Yes." A girl riding a Pegasus replied, flying through the air. "But you're not going to like where it's parked!"

"How long will it take to get that van going?" I asked.

"About... 10 minutes." Scott answered.

"Get it started. We'll get the stones to you." Steve said.

"We're on it Cap." Hope said.

While Scott and Hope were going to get our time machine van going, we needed to get the stones. I turned to Clint, after seeing the billions of aliens ahead.

"I'll cover you." I said before speeding away.

I killed several aliens before getting tackled on by an Outrider.

"God, dang it!!" I muttered angrily, fighting the alien, on the ground.

A black beam shoved the alien off of me. I sat up and immediately saw my boyfriend, who I hadn't seen in five years, and who had shoved away the Outrider. We looked at each other.

"Dustin..." I mumbled, not knowing what to say.

I looked up and saw a flying alien swooping down towards us.

"Dustin, HEADS UP!!" I shouted before skewing the flying beast with my own beam, throwing it away.

Dustin got closer to me and kissed my cheek.

"I can't believe I'm working alongside Roxi and Roxi Jr." Dustin mumbled, referring to Cassie and Alexis.

"Don't worry about it babe. Let's finish this." I said.

Peter's POV:

I saw Mr Black Panther getting overwhelmed by aliens, since he had the six stones and I swung in, webbing the gauntlet from him.

"Activate Instant Kill!" I commanded when I landed.

My metal spider legs swiftly took out several aliens, not to mention I had Cassie for backup. Though after Cassie was hit by a large hammer, I started getting overwhelmed myself.

"I got this!" I reassured myself, before realizing that I couldn't do this. "I don't got this! Somebody! Help!"

"Hey Queens, heads up." Captain America said.

He threw his hammer in my direction and I webbed it and glided away before Ms Potts picked me up.

"Hang on kid. I got you." She said before tossing me onto the flying horse.

"Hey, nice to meet you— OH MY GOD!" I shouted, as I noticed lasers shooting all over the place, before hitting our horse, sending me flying off the horse and onto the ground, where I kept running through the lasers, hoping not to get hit.

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