Chapter 2: Time to Bring in an Old Friend.

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Elijah's POV

Fog started to build up and surround me as I stopped in the center of Mystic Falls, I could hear a crow becoming louder and then quickly fade away replaced by the sounds of boots crunching against the gravel. "It's been a long time Elijah..." Damon's voice came from behind me.

I turned around slowly to face him a grim smile on my face. The last time I had seen him was about 100 years ago back in 2012, when I helped save Elena once again from the clutches of my mad brother and our little sister. "Yes. It has...I assume Elena is doing ok?" I raised an eyebrow searching his face for an answer.

"Elena is....Elena is dead. She has been for 50 years." Damon's body practically radiated hate and grief. "I am sorry to hear that...Truly." I bowed my head solemnly out of respect, slowly looking back up at him.

"Where is your brother? If I may inquire such information." I asked glancing around to see if he was lurking in the shadows somewhere.

"Me and Stefan are at odds right now...He wants to make amends and I want to make his life miserable for what he did to Elena."Damon replied anger in his voice.

I nodded finally understanding, "I see. Well I come in peace, I don't have any business with you nor your brother. I just came to collect something of dire importance to me." I said turning away from him walking in the direction of the old bridge.

Damon appeared in front of me blocking my path. I narrowed my eyes giving a silent warning, when he didn't move I stepped closer. "Damon, I have grown to dare I say like you...Please do not make me hurt you." I warned as Damon smirked, slapping his hand roughly against my upper arm.

"Chill out Elijah...I just want to help. I've got nothing better to do." He said a huge grin on his face.

"Fine. You may accompany me. But, if you breathe a word of what I am doing that will be the end of your existence. Do  you understand?" I growled as he laughed. "Calm down. I understand. Who would I tell anyways? Only people talking to me now days are Bonnie and Caroline." He said turning to walk beside me.

"Let us get out of the open then I will tell you what it is I came for." I said as he nodded, following me as I used my vampire speed to disappear.

We arrived at the old abandoned house that rested over the land marked by the death of 1000 witches. "Ok we are alone Elijah. Tell me what you are looking for?" Damon said impatiently as I smiled. "Not what but, whom...I am looking for a certain person."

"Ok now my interest is truly peaked...Who are we looking for?" Damon asked watching me with intrigued eyes.

"I already know where her body is. I just need to gather a few things before I wake her." I said simply glancing out one of the many windows.

"Oh I get it....This is all about a girl? Who is she a long lost sister? Cousin? Some all powerful witch? Does Klaus need her?" Damon laughed rambling off the questions.My head snapped in his direction in a fraction of a second. "She is the love of my life. Klaus must not know about any of this. As long as the people of this town keep quiet I should be able to stay with her here for a few years." I said determined as Damon grew quiet.

"She is in one of Klaus's coffins isn't she?" He asked as I nodded in return. "Why?" He asked as I sighed walking to a different room. "When our family still lived here among the village, we signed a peace treaty with a neighboring village that wanted to share our lands. In return for their stay our father demanded some of their daughters. One of those daughters was Alyx, she looked nearly identical to my first love. We thought for a while she might be a doppelganger, but soon found out she was just another descendant. I fell for her instantly, but sadly so did my brother. Alyx never gave Klaus the time of day, she returned my feeling and I was happy. But, she talked an old Bennett witch into turning her into a monster like us. I got over it...we were happy. But Klaus as usual was not...One night he daggered us all while we slept. Days later one of the girls from the village undaggered three of us. Alyx and Finn were gone. Over the years we reunited and he had already hid both of their bodies, but I never got over Alyx. Neither did he, I've been searching the better half of my life searching for her only to find out her body never left Mystic Falls. It was here all along." I said feeling as if I had given my tragic life story to him.

"What if the coffin is spelled like Esther's was?" Damon asked curiously, "Then we know were to get a Bennett witch don't we?" I replied a smile on my face. Damon smirked, "You already knew that I would help you...Didn't you?" he asked as I laughed. "I wasn't sure...But I hoped you might. Plus Bonnie owes me a favour."

Damon sighed pulling out his phone dialing for Bonnie. "Hey Bon...I need your help. Meet me at witch's house." he said then hung up the phone looking at me. "She'll be here soon.

*hour later*

Bonnie's POV

I approached the old house confidently, opening the door. "Damon? Where are you? Why were you so cryptic? You know I have to go see my great granddaughter today..." I said flipping my gray hair over my shoulder. It had been 50 years since I had been in this house again yet nothing seemed different. I heard talking in the next room and I sighed walking in that direction, rounding the corner to come face to face with Damon and Elijah.

I gasped taking a step back, "What the hell is he doing here Damon?" I asked surprised as Damon walked over placing his hands on my frail shoulders.

"Bon...Please calm down. You know that old heart of your's isn't going to beat forever." he said with a charming smile as I scowled swatting his hands away.

i had used an aging spell about 60 years ago so that I could live longer, age slower, have more time with my friends, with my family, with everyone. "Just answer the question."

Elijah cleared his throat stepping forward and began to tell his story.

Elijah's POV

"I wouldn't want to bring you into all this mess if it wasn't important to me. I will do everything in my power to make sure you go unharmed, you have my word." I finally finished  fixing my suit watching her, waiting for her answer.

After what seemed like an eternity she finally sighed turning away from the window looking at me, "I'll do it. Just tell me what you need." she said as I finally let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Just a simple unbinding spell." I assured her as she nodded.

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