“Y-yes, Hori-san…” I couldn’t believe myself. Did I just follow his order?

“What did you just say?” Zoro yelled at me.

“I now belong to Hori-san.” No, I can’t believe this! Zoro, don’t listen to me!

“Can you please hand her over gently so I can cure her?” I couldn’t move anymore but I know I’d head over to this Hori guy if I had any strength left.

“Over my dead body,” Zoro hissed. My vision is getting more and more unstable.

Roronoa Zoro POV

I can’t believe this woman is saying these words! There must be a mistake. She must be being controlled by this freak!

“I’m going to chop you up real good. Let’s see if you have any nectar in that body of yours.” I pulled out my single sword, the cursed blade Shusui. I smirked and then licked it. “You’ll regret ever making our archeologist say those disgusting words.”

I used my other hand to support her on my back. I can feel her life energy weakening. This is bad. By this time, she only has hours to live. I can’t take my time playing around.

“You seem pretty upset about this Roronoa Zoro. I’ve heard a great deal about you Mr. Pirate Hunter.” This bee guy is starting to really piss me off!

“She’s our nakama. I won’t let you have her.” The bee guy raised his hand and a swarm of bees attacked me. With one slice, I cut them all to shreds since they attacked in a horizontal manner. I used my observation haki to feel where the bees are coming from.

“This is my fault.” I whispered. “If only I didn’t get too distracted I would’ve know where the bee was coming from and you wouldn’t have been hurt. Stop wearing lipstick next time would you?”

“What are you doing, talking to your sleeping crew mate?” The man named Hori smirked. “I’m going to have her soon enough.”

He finally drew his sword but as he fought me, bees were still attacking. “What is the story behind this forsaken island?” I’m only asking because I know Robin would love to hear about it.

“I am the right hand of Lady Lilly Beth. She governs over this island. She is an ally of one of the Yonkou, Big Mam. We send sweets to her in exchange for protection and all. We are trading the feathers of those birds along with the sweet goodies of this island and we’ve become rich. We won’t let anyone of you steal away our treasure. As for your intrusion, I will have that woman as my own.”

I continued fighting him off but I was getting over powered since I’m trying to dodge for Robin’s sake instead of block. I can finish this man off with my secret technique but I can’t do it since I’m holding Robin.

“That woman looks so pretty. I think one of my bees saw another woman with orange hair. I can make her mine too.”

“Good luck with that. Not only will a cook chop you to death but that woman will roast you with lightning. You’d be very brave to choose her as your wife.” I jerked.

“That woman on the other hand looks so angelic. I wonder if she can make me happy in every way.” His statement was dead ambiguous and it really ticked me off. I felt like one of my nerves on my forehead was going to pop when he said that.

“Since there is no shitty cook who will fight me off today when I say this –Robin is mine. She is mine and only mine so back off.” I can’t believe what I just said but there was no turning back. I jumped off and within a split second, cut the fucking bee at least 10 times.

“Onigiri,” I threw Robin up in the air just long enough for me to beat the hell out of the bee guy. I unsheathed my swords as the bee fell and then caught Robin. The bees around me flying stopped glowing and I think by the way it acted in front of me, it was saying thank you. I think I accidentally set them free because of fighting off this dude. They turned into an arrow and pointed at a tree.

I walked towards it and then sliced it open. It was at least 15 meters in circumference and inside, treasures were hidden.

“Hey stupid bee,” I kicked him on his bleeding stomach. “How can Robin be cured?”

“Ask me nicer…” He choked out, struggling to speak. I gave him five more kicks on the stomach as he coughed out blood.

“I’m going to kill you!” I threatened.

“If you kill me, this whole island will collapse because this is only man made by me.” He laughed. “I’m sure you can swim but will your other friends be able to?” 

I placed Robin on my arm with one hand and used the other to plunge my sword deep within his arm. The man screeched out in pain.

“Alright, I’ll tell you!” He yelled. “Suck out the poison out of her and make her eat some of the honey. It should take her at least three days to recover.”

I did as he told and then took the treasure. If I go back exactly where I came from, I think I’d be able to reach the ship. I looked around, ran around but still I couldn’t find my way back though.

“Zoro,” I heard Robin moan. “Use your haki for once and search for going merry. Don’t go around in circles.”

“Yes Ma’am.” I did as she told me and smiled. I can’t believe this woman can actually order me around without me thinking a few ways of killing her.

I found the going merry and so I went back to it. When I arrived, Franky was playing with his hair. I threw him the treasure.

“What happened to her?” Franky asked in panic.

“She’d be alright. I’m putting her to her room to let her rest. Just stand on guard okay? Some bees might still be after us… Defend okay?” I warned.

“Sure…” He didn’t dare to question me anymore.

I placed Robin on her bed and then looked at her hand. It looked a lot better. “Hey, get better soon okay?” I shook her a little bit.

“Is it true what you said?” She moaned. Her eyes were closed so I couldn’t tell if she was awake.

“About what…”

“I’m yours…”

I was shocked that she heard it. I wasn’t expecting that. No, I can’t tell her that. We’re crewmates. I can’t ruin what we have. Do we even have anything?

“You must’ve been hearing things.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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