~Scarlette & Cut Nightmare~

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This story starts with our twins. Young Scar and Cut, or as they were first known Elizabeth and Brooke. Now. . . Lets begin our story.

         Young Elizabeth was playing in her garden, she was just your ordinary 6 year old girl. "Momma, Momma!" She yelled for her mother as she stood and bolted inside, hugging her mother tightly. "I made you something, momma!" She pulled out a flower crown she had made and gave it to her mother.
         Her mother smiled and placed it on her head. "Thank you sweetie, its beautiful." Elizabeth giggled and looked up at her mother.
         "It reminded me of you, momma. Its beautiful just like you are!" Her mother smiled brighter and went back to cooking. Elizabeth smiled in return and skipped back outside, where her scooter was in the garage. She got onto her scooter and rode it around her driveway. She was circling around a rock. As she stared at the rock it seemed to have started barely hovering above the ground. Elizabeth went back inside for bed that night without another thought of the her peculiar experience with the rock.

Now lets fast foward some time, perhaps nine years into the future?

9 years later....

         Elizabeth was sitting in her 4th period science class where they were dissecting frogs and taking notes. She began staring at her pencil. Was it moving..On its own? She shook her head. No way. She thought to herself, ignoring the thought and going back to her work. She must've been seeing things.

hehe imma leave it at this for now >:3~


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