Chapter 1 - The Return

Start from the beginning

They both then had a little staring contest.

Vali: "Calm down, I didn't come here to fight you. I have much more important things to do today."

He then walked away. Then I felt Rias grab my hand.

Issei: "You ok?" "Her hands are sweating, she must be freaking out."

Timeskip, 9:00, Nurs's Office, Issei POV

I was laying on one of the beds in the Nurse's Office. I then looked at my left hand and clenched it.

Issei: *sigh* "At least it's calming down a bit, good thing. I didn't want Akeno to suck the power out of me in the middle of class. So Vali's the 'White Dragon Emperor'? God damn. I've got to admit, his fighting style's impressive, it's almost like Risers except-"

Ddraig: "His is the complete form."

I then gasped in surprise.

Ddraig: "Yours couldn't even begin to compare."

I then sat up on the bed.

Issei: "Thanks Ddraig. So what's going on between the 'Red Dragon' and 'White Dragon' exactly?"

Ddraig: "When all the great powers, God, the Angels, the Fallen angels and the Devils were at war, the other creatures and humans were suddenly forced to choose sides to ensure their survival. The only ones who refused were the dragons."

Issei: "Why?"

Ddraig: "The majority didn't think the war had anything to do with them, they ignored it and lived how they pleased, some stayed here and some went to another place called 'Skyrim'."

Issei: "Skyrim?"

Ddraig: "That's for another time. And during the war 2 foolish dragons decided to start a massive fight."

Issei: "Are you saying what I think you are?"

Ddraig: "Not caring about the great war that had taken over the world, they fought wildly on the battlefield."

Issei: "I don't get it. Why were they fighting like that?"

Ddraig: *sigh* "Hell if I know, they probably don't even remember the reason themselves."

Issei: "I'm already over this story."

Ddraig: "It gets better. Unless something was done about those 2 the war wouldn't be able to continue, the 3 great powers called a temporary truce in order to deal with the rebel dragons."

Issei: "That makes it sound more than just a fight. What happened after they were stopped?"

Ddraig: "Fury. The anger became wild beyond imagination. They lashed out at the leaders of the Angels, Devils and Fallen Angels. They didn't like anyone, not even God or the Devil King, interfering with their battle. It was payback, plain and simple."

Issei: "I wouldn't want to mess with them, dragons are nuts."

Ddraig: "Our story doesn't end there. The dragons ended up getting diced into thousands of pieces, and their weakened souls were sealed inside humans as sacred gears. From that day on, those same dragons have used humans as intermediaries to meet and fight over and over again."

Issei: "Let me take a wild guess, those dragons are called Ddraig and Albion."

I then thought back to when we first meet Vali.

Issei: "I think I know where you're going with this now."

Ddraig: "There have been times where the human host dies before the two has a chance to meet."

The Dragon Lord (Highschool DXD x Dragonborn Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now