p r o l o g u e

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" i want to , and i can . "

delicate flowers blossom abundantly
whilst dancing in the spring breeze
as if they are readily welcoming me
to do everything that i may please .

" bask in the glorious sun . "

running in the fields so wild and free
as i escape all my deepest insecurities
understanding i should leave things be
for there are things without remedies .

" sing in perfect harmony . "

perched on a tree was a little songbird
which chirped a tune ringing with glee
and its ballad was most certainly heard
as the alluring melody whispered to me .

" let go of all your burdens . "

exhale all the regrets playing in your head
mistakes you have made remain in the past
sleep soundly when your body hits the bed
for beloved peace was always meant to last .

" start afresh with a positive mindset . "

go and breathe in the fresh morning air
prioritise yourself without any exceptions
make it a habit to be impartial and fair
be truthful to yourself without hesitation .

" i'm learning to understand true bliss . "

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