That night they celebrated their victory and Bucky's HYDRA liberation with a small dinner. Steve was truly happy for his bestfriend but he couldn't shake off Natasha his head. He badly needed to hear from her. He badly needed her. He brought out his phone and flipped it open. It only had two numbers and he scrolled to Natasha's name. His thumb hovered over the call button.

"Still nothing?" Sam asked with concern.

Steve snapped out his thoughts and saw everyone was looking at him, including T'Challa. He shook his head and said, "Probably just doesn't want to risk it."

"What is, Captain?" T'Challa asked.

Steve sighed and decided to share his burden with them. It was getting too much for him to bear anyway.

"I sent Nat a burner and I was hoping she would have called by now. But, still nothing. Maybe I should finally call her and see how's she's doing," Steve said, not bothering to mask the sadness in his voice.

"Where did you send the phone again?" Sam asked.

"At her apartment in DC," Steve said. "She drops there once or twice a month to keep her lease."

"Why there?" Bucky asked.

"I figured after what Natasha did at the airport, Ross would have her closely monitored especially at the compound, including her mail," Steve explained.

T'Challa walked over to Steve and breathed in before speaking. "I'm sorry, Captain, but there is a possibility that she didn't get it."

"What do you mean?" Steve asked the king.

"Before I followed you to Siberia, I told General Ross what Ms. Romanoff did," T'Challa said, apologetically.

"What does that mean?" Wanda asked.

"Ross most probably sent his men to arrest Ms. Romanoff," T'Challa said.

Wanda gasped and Sam placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Steve's eyes fell on the floor.

"I'm truly sorry, Captain for not telling you about it sooner," T'Chall continued. "I wasn't sure what Ross did after our talk and when you came back from the raft without her, I figured she's alright."

"It's okay, your highness," Steve said.

"But she's not alright,"Sam interjected. "Because if she is, she should have gone to DC as per her routine then found the phone there."

"She probably just stayed at the compound, you know, avoid further suspicion," Wanda said.

Steve kept silent, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"I can check if you want," T'Challa offered.

"Not if it would put your position with the Accords at risk," Steve said.

T'Challa shook his head and added, "If Ms. Romanoff is in danger because of what I did, it's the least I can do, Captain."

Steve nodded in thanks before excusing himself. But instead of retreating to his room in the palace, Steve went to the quinjet. He opened the radios and listened to every frequency there was. He figured that Natasha might have indeed tried to contact him after all but through underground channels. But his heart sank to hear nothing but static. Out of frustration, he threw his headphones to the floor.

"Stop," Bucky said.

Steve saw his friend enter the jet but kept staring at the radio.

"You're thinking of worst case scenarios right now. Don't do that," Bucky continued.

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