"Yes, sir," the some men shouted. And when one man was being funny, and said no; the captain shot him, and he fell to t he ground, about ten yards away from Lily. "Now, let's move out!" And with that, the men started to scramble, looking everywhere for Lily. But, Lily keep her same spot, staying down. And everytime she would peek her little head up, she would see a shadow with a big gun. So she just sat in the same spot.

It was two hours later, and Lily was cramped. Her body hurt like crazy, but she knew that if she moved one inch, they would find her. But she didn't have to move for them to find her, because she heard someone's walk-e-talk-e go off. "I found her, I got her! She is really close to you guys, and I am about to blow her up. As soon as you see the bomb explode, that's when you will know where to shoot." Wait, a second. Did Lily just hear that they are about to blow her up; as in grenade her up. This was bad, but before Lily could move, she heard a KABOOM!!!! The good part was, Lily wasn't really that injured. Who ever had tried to bomb her, ah missed. but she knew that they were going to try again. She got uo off her feet to hear lots of people yelling, "There she is" or "Kill her, now" or "I can see her" and they just keep going. Then... KABOOM!!!!! Someone had tried to bomb her again, and Lily ran like she has never ran before. The bomb almost landed close to her, and the fire that was on the bushes quickly spreaded, and started to heat Lily up. She keep running, and all she could hear was those same calls, and the soundes of bullets flying through the air. She ran ever faster, and the men, or cops, or CSI, or whoever was trying to kill her was falling behind, and the sound of bullets fainted. Lily had gotten away, or so she thought.

Lily was finally away, and she rested again. She huffed and puffed until she caught her breath. She needed water, but there was no lake around that she knew of. The only lake she knew that was around was the one that she had killed those cops, and there were probably cops swarming that section of the forest. She sat on the ground, and she was starting to get frustrated. Why did she have to go through all this. Why did her family have to be so mean. Why did she have to let out her anger on other people, and just pray about it. And even if she did get caught by the police, if they took her back to her grandmother, her grandmother would just tell the police to kill her. She knew in how much trouble she was in, I mean Lily is sixteen, and she just knows how bad jail is. As a matter of fact, she has been to jail about three times now. She is a SCI criminal. A really bad one! Once she went to jail for, breaking into a jail. She was so bad, she took her friends gun, took it to chuckycheese, and thought it was a fake gun; and about fourteen people died. Not from getting shot, she had just busted out of jail, and she didn't want to go back for a while. When she had pulled the trigger, she had shot a few arcade machines, sending them on fire. And then that chuckycheese in Southern Colorado, was burned down and the people knew what she looked like. So then one day after a swarm of cops were going the same fair as she was, she went into a wig store across the street, and simple knocked out the employer and took the close and put them on. Yeah, she was a really bad girl. Oh, and once she had went to jail for shooting at a club, then exscaping the cops, she went to a ballon store, and slammed a glass vase on a kid's head who was in her way. Lily, knew that she did most of this stuff because she was always being treated badly, but some times she did it for fun. One time she put on a discuise and held up a liquor store with a friend from high-school. Lily bit her lip, thinking of the pain she would suffer when or if she got caught tonight, but then she realize she was going to have to be brave, and she was going to have to get away. Even if it was goingt o make her in really bg trouble, she was already in enough trouble to earn the death treatment from the police. She looked at the shiny, black, gun she had liad by her. She looked at it, admirely. She wanted to use it, and who she was about to use it any moment. She looked up, and the moment her head moved up, she saw a really big shadow. It was huge to Lily's eyes it looked like the shawdow was about seven feet tall. As the shawdow came closer, Lily could make out the shawdow. It was a man, in the army. He held his rifle away from his body, so that if he saw Lily, he could quickly lift his gun to shoot. But, she bad news to him was that, Lily saw him before he saw her. As the army man moved his head toward, where Lily was, Lily raised her gun, pointing it right at the army man's cheast. Then once the army had his two eyes on Lily, he immediatly got sxared, stopping and not moving like he was parilyzed. Then... POW!!!!! Lily had pulled the trigger, and the army man fell foward in pain. 'Wow, nobody can ever do anything to me, unless there is about twenty-four million people trying to hurt me!" That's when Lily satrted to hear some voices. And when she turned her head around, (again), she saw about thirteen men shanding about twenty or thiry yards away from her. "Aw, why the... why did I have to say that!" She, then turned around and ran towards the trees, and high grass. And when she turned to look at the men again, she realized they had heard her movement, and they were going to follow. Lily keep a fast pace, but.... She knew that if she keep just running, nothing was going to happen. She was going to have to kill all the men. Even if that meant she was going to get caught, like she knew she was going to. She ran behind a tree, pointing her gun at a figure. When the figure had appeared into the moonlight, she saw that it was a big, hairy, buff man, who was carrying a giant Rachant Lancher. It was between black, and silver, and the man held it fiercly, but he also looked tired somehow. Lily had no time to waste. Pulling up her gun, she closed on eye to get aim, and pushed the trigger. With a big splatter of blood, the man fell backwards to the ground, crying in pain, and when he fell back his gun fell right on top of his face at the same time. The other figures moved closer to where she was. Looking around to see where she could hide, Lily saw a whole bunch of tree branches on the tree she was hiding behind. She put her gun between her right arm, and pulled herself up, then sitting on the tree branch she put her arms up again to pull herself onto another tree branch.

The army men looked around, looking retarted. One looked at his partners. "Where the heck, could this girl be." Another man looked at him, shrugging his shoulders. "Got know idea, dude. All I know is, this girl better be caught and killed before tomorrow. Me and my family had planned to go to Paris, and we don't need a dumb minded, little girl, runnnig around here killing everything in her sight, ruining our plans." "I'm with you man," said another man.

Lily could here this conversation, and was getting mad at all their statements about her. She climbed a few more braches, then looking down to see how high she was off the ground. 'This should be high enough, all I really have to do is blend in with the trees, and I'll be fine', Lily thought. Lily then stood up, on the tree branch, and carefully jumped about two feet to another one. And over and over again, she went from branch to branch, jumping like she was a ninja, and swinging like she was a monkey. Once to the other side, she pushed herself back into the trees. she had saw the men, standing there, with their guns ready to shoot. They weren't going to shoot first, she was going to. And it's not like they are going to know where the bullets are coming from. Bullets are just way to fast. Lily raised her gun, to one guy, who was reloading his gun. Then she fired. The man fell to the ground like he was going to sleep, not even yelping or anything. The othre army men looked around in confusion. "What the-!"

"Dude we got know time to cuss, we got to move out. She can see us, but we can't see her, so we have to split up in the forest," one guy said. And with that, they all started to split up. Lily raised the gun again, and shot a man who was running in her oppisite direction. Lily turned around, knowing that she was going to have to kind of move around. She was going to have to be like a ninja, and be quiet, and careful. She was really high in the air. She couldn't risk being caught by missing a branch and breaking her legs, or standing on a non-heavy branch. She turned around, going across the same branches she had went earlier, and she made sure she was in the leaves. She got to the last branch, then looking around to see if there was anybody else around. she was going to have to jump to the tree that was in front of her, and she did. Making sure there was nobody around for the last time, she jumped, putting one hand up to catch another branch that was abouve the branch she was about to land on. And she made it, once she planted her feet on the branch, making a gentle sound because of the leaves. 'Thank, the Lord," she thought, then looking down to see the distance from where she was to the ground. That's when she heard movement. She heard a little talking, then looking around crazily she found the shadow. The shadow was holding a pistol, and held it pointing it everywhere he looked. She was scared, but of course once again she shot it.

It was almost an hour, and Lily was getting tired. She keep running far and far intot he forest, and she knew that nobody would be able to find r. She was long, gone. She was away, and she was not going to get caught. Lily's legs were, of course, tired, and she fel like just jumping out of the trees and breaking her legs, so she would never have to walk again. But, she did not let hr feelings get in fromnt of her, and she gently climbed down all the branches, feeling around with her feet, because she could hardly see. When finally to the ground, she groaned and fell to the ground. How long could she keep this up. She doesn't have anythig to keep her alive, and yet, she doesn't have enery to keep runing for hours and hours. Nobody does! Ecspecially when you don't even get enough sleep. But she was alright, at least for now. She was really far away, and Lily knew that all the men who were after her could be anywhere in this forest. All away from her! She layed on her back. she stretched her arms, an legs, every muscle in her body aching, then looking straight up at the sky for the onehundreth time. Hopefully, she could get away again!

Thanks for reading, and wait until the next chapter will come out. If you get a chance, please right back to me telling how good my story was

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2011 ⏰

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