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myong eunjo's death was an accident

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myong eunjo's death was an accident. a mere misplacement of her foot. the death was ruled out as the myong girl's own fault — but not a suicide, and definitely not a murder. 

she became the poster girl for the whole "winter awareness" campaign — you know the one, the "don't mess around on the ice" and the "don't go near the blackmoor lake during the winter months"; that one. 

eunjo's body had been found two weeks after christmas, and a week after she'd been reported missing. the corpse was discovered amongst what remained of the ice sheet that once covered the infamous lake; lips blue, with frost covering once rosy cheeks. but it was the eyes,

the eyes had remained open, staring up at the winter skies, as her head rested — floated — upon the icy water. the girl's once bright eyes became frosted over. hardening with loneliness, with her eyelashes becoming laced with individual snowflakes — a tragedy so different, yet still the same as those before. 

the question, really, was what was the bigger tragedy — the death, or the discovery? eunjo's body had been found by her group of close friends, the ones she truly had bonded with. ROSY CHEEKS had been distraught, choi beomgyu refused to acknowledge the lack of warmth that came from the girl, SHEET OF ICE didn't dare mention her name, and choi yeonjun was the one that stayed strong for them, and for eunjo. as for WAITING FOR SPRING, FROZEN DEW, AN EVERGREEN'S PINE, huening kai, kang taehyun, and choi soobin — they ignored it ever happened. 

looking back, the myong girl's death truly couldn't have been predicted. it had been news that shocked the entirety of the small town — afterall, eunjo had been the town's "golden girl", and yet now the bittersweet truth that the girl went from being known for her talent and kindness, to being known for teenage stupidity, remains. 

it remains, lingering throughout the tension of her friends, and family; even a year later. it remains, unspoken of, much like what happened that night — the night of her death. and it remains, much like the lone crime scene tape left hanging from the trees. 

myong eunjo's death was a misplacement of her foot, but a misplacement that could have been stopped. and yet, the death's mystery is left abandoned, much like the guilt of her close friends — left abandoned upon the lakeside of blackmoor lake, concealed by the layers of snow that winter brings. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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