Chapter 1: Azur Sky

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I had Finally met her. . . The Grey Ghost, The Second ship of the Yorktown-class Aircraft Carrier, Sister ship of my Brother's Girlfriend. . .

But before we talk about her, we should say that a few moments after we arrived at our ship, the speaker spoke up. . .

"Greetings, I am Hurricane, The Leader of the Royal Guards, & Im here to Say that since Red Axis were developing Planes to become human, We at Azur Lane had came up to do the same, I was the first succesful plane to Become a Human, but One Hawker Hurricane is embedded to my soul, After Me, Many then came to become Human, & Our Job is to Counter the Red Axis Air Forces & Protect the Skies from Siren Activity, Our Name is Azur Sky, I hereby announce you that Azur Sky, Azur Lane's Air Force is founded as of today" Announced Hurricane

We then heard Cheering from afar. . . After that, Sirens went to attack us

"THE SIRENS ARE HERE!!!!" Shouted Wales

Humans started to fuse with their ships, but, No ship attacked. . . A Smokescreen was deployed, No omce can then see, suddenly, a lot of ships were knocked out, the first attacker was not a Ship, but a Human Plane too. . .

"Is that all you've got?" Asked that Plane

"A6M, Don't get carried away" Told Another Plane

"Why Brother A5M? Are you scared you might lose me?" Asked the Plane who's name was A6M "Well, thanks for caring, Call B5N to start Bombing the ships"

"Ok, I will" A5M Replied "Kate, Send those planes to Bomb those Ships"

"I will, B5N's, Ready to Bomb those ships" B5N Commanded the other B5N's who are not human to attack the ships

B5N's Started to Bomb the ships, but one was still standing unharmed. . . CV-6

"F6F, Fight those B5N's, Dauntless & Avenger, Find their respective Carriers" Enterprise Commanded

We then went into Action. . .

F6F started slicing alot of Planes, but, A6M Spotted him. . .

A6M then attacked him

A6M Striked his sword but F6F Manage to Block it in time, they then Jump backwards. . .

"You must be one of the Grumman Cat Brothers? Based on your skill, you're not a Newbie" Complimented A6M

"Yes, I'm one of the Grumman Cat Brothers" F6F fired Rockets at him but A6M Slashed it in time

A6M Fired His Machine Guns that was on his Katana, which are Minified, but F6F Dodged it, some managed to hit him, then F6F made a Flip & once His Guns aimed at A6M, He started Shooting at him, A6M Had to retreat as He Notice he's on fire, Before F6F Landed upright, He noticed that A6M was gone. . .

"Where did that Samurai Plane Go?" Wondered F6F

Meanwhile, I spotted 1 Foxgirl, With White Hair & Tail, & told TBF He Spotted the Enemy & told hum to tell Enterprise, but He'll attack. . .

"Dauntless is going to attack the Enemy?" Asked Enterprise

"Yes He is" Replied Avenger

Enterprise then send other SBD's to reinforce Dauntless. . .

Meanwhile. . .

"What's the Status? A6M?" Asked A White haired Foxgirl

"Kaga, I'm retreating, Im going to burn If I continue, but B5N is doing a Great Job bombing ships" Replied A6M

"Well then" Kaga Then notice her ship suddenly exploded "What The-"

2 More Explosions Occured, The Ship was then Heavily Damaged, Kaga then spotted a Plane Coming in

"Just 1 Plane, It's easy" Kaga Smirked as her planes tried to intercept Dauntless

I Saw the Planes, So I stopped, Aimed his M1 Garand at the Planes & Shoots his Machine Guns, He manage to shoot down 2, but 1 Plane Passed, The Machine Gun on his Sheath then Fired, thus Shooting it down

"I Guess I have to Retreat now that I have Damaged the enemy's main carrier" I Thought to myself as I Retreated

Meanwhile. . .

"A6M!!!" A5M Concernly Shouted

"Im Fine, Brother" A6M, Full of Damage & was about to burn, replied

"I don't want to lose you, You're my little brother after all"

"Yes Brother, I need to rest a bit, I'm badly damaged" Replied A6M

"A6M, A5M, I Dont know what happebed but my Carrier was Badly Damaged by a Plane, not just a Normal one, but a Human" Kaga Informed them as They were going back to the carrier

"A What Now Kaga? Your Carrier was attacked?" Asked A5M

"Yes, It was attacked, I told B5N to retreat, We'll be retreating, Azur Lane is probably Damaged" Explained Kaga

"Yes Kaga-sama" They Both Replied

Azur Lane Base. . .

"You were suddenly attacked by the Sirens. . .No, the Sakura Empire?" Asked Hurricane

"Yes, Ships were heavily damaged, meanwhile, Dauntless here saw an Enemy Carrier, Attacked it by itself & Badly Damaged it, He also shot down 3 Planes" TBF Avenger reported

"Such a Great but Reckless Act, Anyways, If Sakura Empire will continue someday, this base will be completely destroyed" Explained Hurricane "In the name of The Great Queen Elizabeth, I will not let that Happen"

"Hurricane, We'll all protect Azur Lane, & the skies above it" Typhoon patted his back "Goes the same for me & Tempest"

"Thank you, Typhoon, Also, I heard you were having hard time getting friends, Maybe let's start with the Illustrious-class Sisters" Hurricane Told Typhoon

"I haven't met one of them though" Typhoon Smiled

"About the next-" Dauntless was intefered

"Sir Hurricane, Your Dinner is ready" Tiger Moth Informed

"Thanks Tiger Moth, I will eat in a bit, go back to the lecture hall pls" Replied Hurricane

"Tiger Moth sure is kind" Complimented Typhoon "He can both cook & teach at the same time"

"He Does, Ok, You're all Dismissed"

Me & TBF Avenger went back to our carrier, Meanwhile Typhoon encountered a spy. . . Typhoon chased it, but at a Dead end. . .

"End of the Line!!!" Shouted Typhoon

"Was?, is it truly the end for me" The Spy then Transformed as he tossed his cloak "Welcome to your doom, Typhoon"

"FW 190?" Typhoon Stared in Awe "Do you wanna end up like your lifeless brothers?"

"Nein, But, I will kill you instead" Fw 190 told Typhoon

Typhoon then Transformed as the Scene stops. . .

To Be Continued. . .

Next Chapter: Chapter 2: Typhoon & the Illustrious-class

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