The Nightmares

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Kakashi's POV
I "wake up" and walk outside, it's nice out but I can't help the feeling of drowning, like I can't breath, like the air is being sucked from my lungs, like being crushed by rocks. Obito.

I don't know why, but "Tobi's" chakra resonates strongly with what I remember of Obito's, and sometimes some of the things he says, sounds like something Obito would say.

It doesn't help that my old Nickname "Bakashi" came up.

"Rule following jerk"
"Boys! Calm down!" Minato says exasperated "Sorry Sensei" I murmur with Obito, he sends me a guilty look.

I narrow my eyes, he sticks out his tongue. I attempt to stick out my tongue, Obito giggles. I frown. "Bakashi" he says "Your funny sometimes"
"No I'm not" he shrugs "Mhmmm" and walks away.

I want him to come back

Come back Obito.

Why did you die?

I remember my "Talk" with Itachi. It went something like this: "Kakashi Hatake, the mighty copy Ninja"
"Itachi" I greet back, this is awkward. "Sasuke is doing well, he's growing strong. But he's on a path of hate"
"I'm aware"
"Why do you want your brother to hate you Itachi?"

"So he can grow strong" I nod, "I know why you killed your clan Itachi, the best people always have the hardest choices" he gives me a small almost broken smile " I could say the same to you"
"I'm not a good person Itachi" for a moment he looks flabbergasted before he schools his emotions once again.

"You're here spying aren't you?"
"Yes." It's no use lying to him, plus I have a feeling he'll keep it under wraps, "Be careful, the Akatsuki are all elite Ninja" I nod in thanks and he leaves the room. I rub my head, already tired, this is going to be a long hard, mission, I head to bed.

"Hello Tobi" Tobi jumps like I electrocuted him or something, I take great pleasure in his strangely over-animated movements. "H-helloooo Senpai!" He says recovering somewhat quickly "I got you dango" a beat. Than "OHH THANK YOU THANK YOU!" He's bouncing around like....Naruto, when he gets Ramen.

My heart aches.

"So we're roommates?"
"Yes. So?" In a moment his strange childish display turns to a rather, angry hateful tone, I get the feeling his childish actions are all a facade. "Perhaps we should get to know each other better?" After all I am here to spy... "I'm Tobi." He says flatly, and takes the dango, and walks away. That worked out well.

Obito's POV
He's acting suspicious. I'm suspicious of him. I hate him so much, I grab the stupid Dango, and head out, to eat it somewhere in peace, after all I don't want him seeing my face. Although I suppose Kakashi isn't one to think much about masks, after all I've never seen him without his.

I pop a dango stick in my mouth and chew nonchalantly. Damn Kakashi why is he here? He's all I can seem to think about anymore. Defiantly suspicious, the way he gives these closed eyes smile, and how his hairs gotten longer and wilder yet still as silvery and beautiful as ever.

Did I say beautiful? No, I surely didn't say that. Admit it Obito! Kakashi's good looking! Fine, yes, he is. But I still hate him, and it's not like I'm attracted to him or anything. No. I hate him, he killed Rin.

We have a mission tomorrow, early in the morning, a tailed beast, I've been cooped up here to long, I'm very much ready to go and fight some monster. Even if I have to do It with Kakashi. I guess I should sleep tonight. If I can, I've found I don't really need sleep anymore. I never thought that not sleeping would feel like a curse.

I hear Kakashi come in. I hear him changing, I really wanna see under his mask, but I'm also pretending to be asleep. Agh the conflict is real. He settles down, and I wait a few minutes, his breathing steadies and he's asleep.

He actually fell asleep. I sit up, and peak at him, the mask is still over his face, his hair is slightly squished on his pillow fanning his head, and he looks so peaceful and serene. Okay, he's undoubtably good looking.

I creep back to my bed and lay there.

And lay there

And lay there.

And than, I hear Him muttering, crying. Kakashi is crying, he let's out a small yelp, as if in pain, and I hear raspy breathing, I can't help the surge of protectiveness that I feel. I creep closer to his bed as queit as I can, I begin to make out his words.

"I'm so sorry, please no, no"
"Rin! No I- why would you? This is all my fault blood-there's to much blood"
And than finally something that makes me more surprised than anything "I'm so, sorry Obito, I am so, so, sorry" tears run down his mask.

Little rivulets of salt and water, his eyebrows are creased, and he's tossing and turning. I gently shake his shoulders "Shh Kakashi- It's-it's just a dream" he bolts up, and throws me off almost instinctively. "It was just a dream Kakashi- your okay" I say soothingly and he let's out a slight broken sob.

"No" he whispers. And I feel my heart break, "Yes, it was, breath Kakashi" I don't know why I'm being so nice. He takes a deep shaky breath. What's wrong with him?

"I'm sorry I woke you up Tobi" he says quietly. He runs his fingers through his hair, I really want to touch his hair.

I slowly walk closer to his bed again "I wasn't sleeping much either" I say dismissively, he pats his hand down on the hard mattress, "care to sit?" I don't know why, but I sit next to him, we are so close, shoulders brushing slightly.

"Can I ask you something?" I say, kindly and Kakashi turns to face me slightly "That depends" he says "Can you tell me something?" His eyes are still slightly wet but now they glitter with dark humor. "Sure?" I say shrugging.

"Alright you can ask me something" I take a little breath "that was a nightmare right?"
"Yes" he says shortly, suddenly not looking at my mask. "What was it about?" He takes a breath "my life".

I can't help it I dryly chuckle "Your life's a nightmare?"
"Undoubtably so"
"Join the club" he laughs at that, a quiet laugh, he's so different from when he was younger, more laid back, more gentle, more caring, more...traumatized. "Now can I ask you a question?" I'm silent, which he takes as a yes.

"Why do you wear a mask?"
"I could ask the same of you"
"You already asked a question it's my turn" why do I wear a mask? Is it because I'm scarred, or to hide my identity, or do I like orange twisty lollipop masks?

"To hide my identity"
"From who?"
"Everyone." Kakashi leans forward, he's so close, I can smell him, he smells pleasant, like spearmint, on a rainy day with a bit of wet dog and a slight floral scent. "Even me?" I shudder "Yeah," I say and he smiles. I can't help it, I reach out.

And touch his hair.

Don't own the pic. Or Naruto
So that's sad.
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Cya peeps

The Red clouds of the AkatsukiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz