Part 2

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Sorry for the misspelled words I don't proof read and thanks for reading


After another weird day at school and I was so glad it was Friday me and kk stop at my house we was snooping around Bri room trying to find some information on her disappearance I looked in her closet and saw her diary

"Kk look Bri's diary" I spoke "no we can't read that because that's a innovation of her privacy" she explained "we have to if we wanna know where she at so our life's can go back the way it use to be" I explained

"You wouldn't want anybody going through your journal will you" she asked "if I go missing please do" I spoke "Okay" she spoke as we both sat on her bed "its lock" I spoke getting up looking around for the key "come here" kk spoke I looked and she a a hair pen in her hand I handed her the diary and she unlocked it "thanks" I spoke sitting down beside her "no problem" she responded I flipped pages going through it as I read it

There is this cute boy I like goes by he name of Quan he's new in town and I got to get him to like me but my rival Ashely is in the way and I have to get him to like me instead of her I don't know what's the problem she have with me but we once was close friends once we got in highschool everything changed she act like she don't know me and hates me for some reason I'm not gone lie I miss our friendship but if it's war she wants than war she gets because Quan will be mines, she took everything from me, nothing else will be taken from me by her I'm done being nice

"Yeah it do seem like they hate each other" kk spoke "Yeah I guess we got to find out the story behind that" I responded as she just nodded her head I stood up

"Come on" I spoke motioning my hand for her to come "oh now?"... she asked getting up

We drove all the way to Ashley house, since her and Bri was friends I knew where she lives we got out and knocked on the door

She opened the door and looked us up and down "what do you guys want" she asked "what happen to you and Bri" I asked she stared at us for a few and let us in we sat on the couch and she sat across of us

"Why do you guys wanna know about me and Bri" she asked flipping her hair "we just trying figure some things out" I responded as she nodded

She sighed "me and Bri was best friends we told each other everything and we was like sisters but when we got to highschool everything changed it was like she changed she wasn't the Bri I was best friends with, it's like she was not the Bri I knew, it felt like she had this hate towards me and I don't know why" she explained

"When was the last time you seen my sister" I asked "the day she went missing because I saw her at school we never really talked much after she got with Quan" she spoke

"Okay thank you sorry for just popping up" I said getting up while me and KK headed for the door "I'm sorry for your lost" she spoke "my sister isn't dead she's missing" I spoke "oh well, sorry for your missing sister" she said "thanks for talking to me" I said walking out "no problem" she said smiling and closing the door

"She's lying" I spoke to KK "how you know" she asked "Ashley showed up at our house and I over heard her and Bri arguing the day of her disappearance" I spoke

"What was said" she asked


Loud bangs on the door I peeped out my room door to she Ashely

Bri- what the hell Ashley what are you doing here

Ashley- I hate you

Bri- Ash what are you talking about

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