“What happen?” Somi snaps.

“Mino is on his way here in L.A and he told me that we need to talk something important” I said with a confuse look.

“So, what’s with the creepy look on your face?”

“He just hangs up on me” I yell. Somi laugh and sigh.

“You’re , you know that” I snap.

“Well you both really need to talk. About your feelings for him” she said.

“I love him” I scold.

“Says who?” she smirk. Then again, she’s right. I keep on convincing my mind that I love him but my heart won’t cooperate.

“I think your right, it’s unfair for him” after I say that Somi claps her hand smile.

“So, it’s really too late now” she smirk.

“You can sleep here if you want to after all it’s not my condo and speaking of that I’m planning to leave this place. I don’t want any memory of Lisa from now on---“

“Until when?” Somi cuts me off

“Until I’m ready to face the reality but maybe it’s not that easy and I know that work will help me” I smile.

“Okay, well goodnight”Somi shouts. I on the other hand lay down on the couch separate to Somi’s and let the darkness consumes me.


I drifted off by the light that enters into the condo, it’s a lovely day. I turn around just to watch Somi siting on where she sleeps while having a cup of coffee on her hands.

“Good Morning” she greets.

“I think you do have an appointment this early on the restaurant across the road, don’t you think?” she continues. I frown and check my watch, and it say’s ten in the morning.

“I have to go, I need to tell Mino that—“

“Don’t worry, I text him already that you are still sleeping and he said that he’ll just wait for you” she smile.

I went straight to the bathroom and do my own thing. I must be presentable on facing Mino for our conversation. I need to be focus on my point and tell him how sorry I am.

My phone buzzes indicating a call. “Hello, who is this?” I ask while tying my hair into a pony tail.

“Good Morning Jen, it’s me Mino. I’m waiting for you; just tell me if you’re ready okay?”

“Yeah, I’m on my way and I’m sorry for that” I said while catching my breath because I’m putting my clothes on now. I don’t have time to take a shower ad besides it’s just a coffee thing right? And we don’t need to talk too much longer.

“That’s good, let’s just grab a cup of coffee” he said.

“Yes, that’s really my plan so see you soon” then after that I hang up. I don’t want him to hang up with me again.

I walk straight to the place where I and Mino will be meeting. I left Somi in the condo; she’s helping me pack-up some things so that I can move to another place and start a new life without thinking about having a relationship with someone else.

“Hey” I jump after recognizing Mino’s voice. He’s with a girl, a beautiful one.

“Hi” I smile and walk towards them.

“Jennie, meet Nayeon my fiancée. nayeon meet Jennie”Mino introduces that makes me gasp.

“Hi” I said sarcastically. What the hell?

“Hello Jen” she smiles

“Mino babe, I have to go. I just accompany you but I really need to see my friend” she continues.

“Sure, I also need to talk to Jennie privately”Mino said. After that Nayeon left us.

“So, when’s the wedding” I ask full of anger.

“I know that you’re mad that’s why I wanted to talk to you” he said

“I’m sorry Jen, I should have told you much sooner” he shrugs

“I don’t know but dad told me about this whole arrangement plan and I was like ‘okay’ but I love you” he finish.

“You love me? Tell me about it! Like ‘hey I love you but I have a fiancée that’s why I need to talk to you and tell you I’m sorry’ is that what you want to tell me? Or I that the summary of all this bullshit?” I said calming my voice as possible

Mino just keeps his silence and bows his head.

“Well, it’s not a big deal for me though; I really want to break-up with you” I try to sound nice but I’m terribly beyond mad.

“I think that it was unfair for you but after what I witness this morning I literally change my word that I was unfair with Lisa” I yell. I couldn’t handle myself anymore.

“Do you know how much I’ve cost for being with you? How many people I left behind to be with you? Mino, I lost my best friend because of you, because of choosing you! I gave up my love for her so that I can love you wholly without limitations but this is what I get?” I sob.

“Jen, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry” he begs

“No matter how much you apologies Mino, I will never get my best friend back. I’ve lost her, now I don’t even know if she still loves me” I mutter whipping my tears away.

“What do I need to do for you to forgive me?” he asks. I look at him with hatred look. I’m so pissed by him.

“I don’t want to see you anymore until my heart stops beating” I said seriously and then I left him behind, not caring if he’s shock or not but I mean it.

BESTFRIENDS | JENLISA (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now