Ch. 3

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(Y/N) Pov: 

I was sitting in front of Vox’s desk, patiently waiting for the TV demon to show up. 

I turned and glanced up at the sound of the door behind me opening and closing. 

“Ah, you must be the new applicant” said Vox, walking over to his desk and sitting behind it. 

“Yes. I'm looking for a job that will allow me to have an important role in the News Station. I'd like to be more involved in the workplace, for you see, my last job only had me organize boring files and paperwork and whatnot” I said, acting all sad and innocent. 

Vox hummed in thought. 

“And where was it you worked before coming here?” he asked, curious. 

“Alastor's Radio Demon Radio Station” I say simply.

Vox perked up. 

“You did, did you? You are aware that we are rivals in the media industry, right?” he asked, leaning forward in his seat and eyeing me suspiciously. 

“Oh yes, I know. But alas, the Bambi Reject fired me because he fears I might overthrow him. Do I look like someone who might overthrow one of Hell's Overlords?” I asked innocently, pouting. 

“I don't deny how powerful you are, considering you're part Exterminator, but here at Channel 666 News, we don't judge our employees based on their demon species. I think you might fit in well in fact” said Vox, smiling as he picked up a clipboard. 

“Does that mean….?” I asked, pretending to be shocked. 

“Yes. Welcome to the team. I'm in desperate need of a new assistant reporting manager, since the last one quit. Basically you'll be in charge of organizing each news coverage based on their categories, and making sure that everyone knows their cues. You'll also be in charge of making sure everything is going according to schedule. I'll give you a keycard that will allow you limited access to most of the building” explained Vox. 

“Oh yes! I'll take it!” I said, pretending to be excited. 

Limited access to the rest of the building would have to be enough. Yes I can go invisible and phase through walls, but there were security cameras throughout most of the building. I didn't want to draw attention to myself and look suspicious. 

“Perfect. As you know, Extermination Day is coming up, so you'll need to work extra hard and make sure everything in the studio is going according to plan” explained Vox, handing me a keycard. 

I took it and nodded. 

“I will do my best” I say, standing up and walking out the door. 

I wasn't going to call him ‘boss’ or ‘sir’. That title only goes to my real boss. 

“I've called someone up to give you a general rundown of the place. They should be up soon. You'll mostly be working in the main studio with Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench” he called out as the door swung closed behind me. 

I smirked. 

I'm in. 

And all it took was acting innocent and talking trash about my previous employer, who just so happens to be Vox’s rival. 

I had already memorized the entire building layout last night, so I already know where everything is. 

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of footsteps walking over. 

“Hello, you must be the new assistant reporting manager” said a short male Imp. He had a pair of small curled black and white horns on his head, a pair of headphones resting around his neck. He was wearing a large black hoodie that appeared to hang off of his skinny figure. His legs were digitigrade with small red hooves, a pair of tight fitting black pants. His tail was long and had a black ring near the center, a couple of white spots further down, and one large black spot at the tip with two smaller spots just above it. 

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