Chapter 13 ~ Too Much to Handle (Pt. 2)

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     Sugawara barely had time to register what he was seeing when the kid-ified Noya jumped on him. He stumbled back under the sudden weight, allowing Noya to climb over him and run out of the room. Sugawara lay blinking at the ceiling for a moment before clambering to his feet and running after the giggling ball of chaos.

     What in the world had happened?! Nishinoya had been fine the night before, chatting with Asahi in the cafeteria, but now he was a loud, overly-energetic, and short three-year-old!

     Well, he always was loud, overly-energetic, and short, so the only thing that really changed was his age.

     ... Hang on, did it though?

     Sugawara shook his head to clear it and continued the chase. Ahead, Noya dove and took a sharp corner with a roll, yelling, "Thundwar!!!"

     Sugawara gritted his teeth, praying to whatever volleyball gods were listening that no one heard the noise and poked their head into the hallway to see what it was. As he took the corner (not quite as stylish as the kid had done, but still pretty graceful considering the circumstances), Sugawara spotted Noya scrambling onto one of the ventilation heaters. With dawning horror, he realized the rambunctious libero was hellbent on leaping out the open window.

     "Thundwar!!!" Noya cried, jumping into the fresh air. A tug on his shirt kept him from falling, and he looked up with curiosity to see a panting, exhausted Sugawara holding him, just barely catching him before he could leap to freedom.

     Noya giggled and tried to squirm out of Sugawara's grasp. Sugawara wrestled with him, keeping his grip firm yet soft enough not to hurt his teammate.

     Drat. Freedom had been so close.

      Sugawara carried Noya down the hallway, picking up the pace with each step until he was practically running in a frantic sprint. By the time he'd arrived at his room, Sugawara was breathing hard and sweating harder. He ripped open the door, pushed Nishinoya into a very startled Akaashi's hands, and raced back into the field in search of the other missing kids.


     Yaku was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

     First, he was so rudely awakened by the fact the kids were missing and loose in the hotel.

     Then there was having to chase after said kids in the hallways hoping no one woke up and spotted them.

     Not even mentioning the nagging feeling that Lev, freaking tall aggravating Lev had probably opened the door.

     And of course, the fact that he had found two of the kids. And naturally, he'd found the two most energetic of the bunch, Hinata and Lev, who'd promptly split and run down opposite hallways the second he showed his face.

     All in all, Yaku hated kids.

     He muttered something under his breath that would buff the maturity rating of this fic if actually put into words and ran after Hinata, the faster and more slippery of the two. After a few attempts (one where Hinata jumped on his face, one where Hinata climbed his back and vaulted onto a nearby cart, nearly sending all the staff supplies clattering to the floor, and one where he finally snatched the crow making a break for the vending machine that had been refilled with milk), Yaku trudged down the hall with Hinata in tow. He turned the corner and froze, staring at the scene before him.

    Lev had managed to knock over a snack bar, spilling apples, granola bars, and the hardest snacks to get out of carpets that you can imagine. The young cat had a look of pure guilt on his face, frozen like a kid who'd just gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar which, incidentally, he had, as his hand hovered over a tray of small cookies.

     "Lev," Yaku growled quietly. "LEV." He had to bite his tongue to stop himself from yelling; he may be dealing with a dumb, immature little kid, but that was normal with Lev, and getting mad at someone who (for once) didn't know any better felt a bit wrong.

     Only a bit, though, and it took every ounce of Yaku's being not to roundhouse kick Lev in the face (the only thing stopping him was the knowledge that this situation was the one time he could actually reach, meaning Lev was just a kid, and kicking a kid was extreme, even for him). Instead, Yaku settled for chiding Lev and scooping him up, looking at the mess with a sigh. He'd have to drop the two kids at the room and come back later to clean up the spill.

     Yep, this was going to be a long terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.


     Tsukishima did not want to deal with this.

     Honestly, the kid-ified teammates were not his responsibility. He cared about Yamaguchi and Yamaguchi only, and of course, he didn't find Yamaguchi in the hallways. He could only hope that one of the others had found him first before he got himself in trouble.

     Instead, he'd found the exact opposite of pure, sweet, smart, quiet Yamaguchi:

    Kuroo and Bokuto.

    "Nope." Tsukishima turned around and walked away, leaving the two kids to whatever dumbass scheme they were designing.

     As he walked back down the halls, someone else crashed into him. Tsukishima took a step back with a 'tsk', pushing his glasses back up.

     "Oh! Sorry, Tsukishima," Sugawara said. "Have you seen any of the kids?! I haven't found any of the six original escapees!"

     Tsukishima inclined his head down the hallway. "Kuroo and Bokuto are over there."

      Sugawara sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. Thanks for waiting for backup. Those two can be hard to deal with on their own."

     Tsukishima blinked. "I wasn't-"

     Sugawara was already striding down the hallway. "Come on! Before the two get into some real trouble."

     Tsukishima cast a longing look down the hallway before heaving a sigh and reluctantly following Sugawara back to the troublesome duo.

     It took the two a good ten minutes to catch the pair. Kuroo wouldn't stop slipping out of their grasp with a stuck-out tongue, and Bokuto caused so much noise that the two moms had the regularly stop and check that no one was coming their way to see what kind of owl had gotten itself stuck inside the hotel overnight.

     At last, as the two made their way back to the room with the last of the kids in tow, one question remained; what would happen with seven kids and the start of the training tournament? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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