Could This Be... Love?

Comenzar desde el principio

“Like this.” I reply, bring my hands up and letting the ice slide off my finger. I watch as it hits the lock with force, freezing it. “Give me your sword.” I tell Hans.

I take his sword and bring it down on the lock. It snaps and breaks. I pull the cell door open. I go over to the other two cells and release all the staff.

“Be careful, try not to be seen. Go to the Ice Castle on the North Mountain, you’ll be safe there.” I explain to them. They nod and go off.

“Where’s Anna?” I ask.

“The Duke took her captive. She’s in the tower.” Kristoff hisses.

“Where is he?” I glare.

“He is in the Throne Room.” Kristoff explains.

“Well let’s go.” I say.

We all head to the Throne Room, Kristoff and Hans armed with swords. I stand up as tall as I can, but limp as we enter the large room.

“Release Anna!” I order as my voice echoes through the room.

The Duke looks at me with a pleased smile.

“Well, I was looking forward to when you’d gather the courage to pursue me.” He tells me.

“I’m ready to kill you. Now where is Anna!” I shout.

“Anna, oh, she’s fine. She is well guarded. No one is going to get to her, including you.” He mutters.

I am ready to kill him, but refrain. He looks me in the eyes, as if telling me to just do it.

“Release her.” I say.

“No thank you.” He replies.

“Last chance.” I warn.

“Test me Elsa. I’m ready.” He hisses.

I lift my hand to strike, but nothing escapes from my hand. I bring them down.

“You can’ use your magic here Elsa.” The Duke smirks.

I don’t know what to do. Hans walks towards me, but I just walk towards the Duke. I watch as his guard stands in front of me. I stop.

“You’re nothing now Elsa. You are nothing without your powers.” He snarls. “Take her away.” He orders the guard.

I turn and run the best I can. The guard’s hand grips my arm and I fight to escape his grip. Hans rushed to me and pulls out his sword.

“Don’t do it Hans. I’ll have her eliminated right here.” The Duke warns Hans.

He stops and looks at me. I hear the Duke clap and then laugh.

“This is precious.” He exclaims. “Don’t disappoint yourself Hans, she isn’t worth it.” The Duke laughs.

Hans glares at him as I feel my face redden. I continue to struggle against the guard’s hold, though. He simply applies pressure to my wound and I shrivel in pain. He pulls me away, out of the room. He takes me up to the tower and throws me into the top room. I hear the door slam shut. I don’t have the energy to get up, my wound hurts too much. I hear a faint groan.

“Elsa?” I hear Anna ask.

“Oh my gosh, Anna?” I reply.

“Hi Elsa.” She whispers.

“What happened to you?” I question, sitting up, despite the pain to face my sister.

Her cheeks were stained with tear streaks, but they looked more like burns. Her hair was in an extremely messy braid. My sister scared me.

Beware the Frozen HeartDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora